I'm a Tough Mudder

hmmm its not the average joe that can do tough mudder

I think the average joe could do tough mudder if they wanted it bad enough. Anybody can start working out, get in shape and do it.

You'd never die during the event, nothing in it was so strenuous where your body was going to give out or it was physically impossible. There are enough people to help you out - you just gotta have the will power to push through when your body wants to quit.

For those that say they can't be bothered. I think it's an excuse, that they think they can't do it - but are too macho to admit that.

I'd equate it to those friends that say, oh riding a bike is dangerous, I'd rather drive a car, when it rains, , etc... But when you dig a bit more and get down to the truth of it - they want to ride a bike - they wish they were, but they are too scared, their wives or parents are too scared, etc.

So for those that did it - Good on us! For those that want to dis-us - if you sign up next year, we will help you finish it.
When i heard of this i just had to do it. i learned a little too late this year about the event but im going to be training for next years event.
i even think going in the mud run in June would be a good precursor to this event.
i don't care for all the bravado. i just think this looks like crazy fun. my kinda fun. lol
Congrats to the guys and girls who entered this year. see you next year.
When i heard of this i just had to do it. i learned a little too late this year about the event but im going to be training for next years event.
i even think going in the mud run in June would be a good precursor to this event.
i don't care for all the bravado. i just think this looks like crazy fun. my kinda fun. lol
Congrats to the guys and girls who entered this year. see you next year.

The only thing that will prepare you for this is long d running. I made the stupid mistake of doing mostly strength exercises for the last year. My gf, who's much lighter than me and more cardiovascular focused, could have finished at least 1 hour ahead of my friend and I; both of us were limping due to muscle seizures (if you don't know what this is, take a towel, and twist it really hard, now imagine that on your muscle).

And @ bennyskywalker, at least 2 people broke their legs on the day I went, and usually one or two ppl die. Also, I would say it's "willpower based" but I hit a pretty hard physical limit that disabled my ability to jump (tried jumping, when I landed, instant calf seizure), so there definitely is a component that makes the average Joe (the average Joe is overweight, look at WHO statistics), without training, unable to do this.

It was definitely an ego/self esteem boost and funny to see that past the 10km mark, all the fat ppl were gone lol
I was working as medic at Tough Mudder. I was at the over under with barb wire. I saw some decent injuries come through the medical tent at the end of the day. ( I was rotated to the medical tent for staffing purposes)
13 hours in the hot sun with no shade little food to eat n water to drink.

I hauled so many people out of that obstacle who twisted their ankle, got jumped on by people not watching where they were walking, cramped up or slipped and smoked their face off the logs (poor girl) I was spent by the end of the day.

Would I come work it next year? Hell yes, because I'm a tough mudder.
I think the average joe could do tough mudder if they wanted it bad enough. Anybody can start working out, get in shape and do it.

You'd never die during the event, nothing in it was so strenuous where your body was going to give out or it was physically impossible. There are enough people to help you out - you just gotta have the will power to push through when your body wants to quit.

For those that say they can't be bothered. I think it's an excuse, that they think they can't do it - but are too macho to admit that.

I'd equate it to those friends that say, oh riding a bike is dangerous, I'd rather drive a car, when it rains, , etc... But when you dig a bit more and get down to the truth of it - they want to ride a bike - they wish they were, but they are too scared, their wives or parents are too scared, etc.

So for those that did it - Good on us! For those that want to dis-us - if you sign up next year, we will help you finish it.

Lol...no thanks..paying cash to run around like a muppet is not my idea of fun...but if you give me $100 I'll kick you in the nads...and I might give you a T shirt too...or a fancy headband.
Wow, didn't realize that many people got hurt. When I meant the average joe could do it - I didn't mean tomorrow. I feel that the average joe could start training, and then do it - wanting it bad enough might mean you have to train for a year - but yes, I still feel anybody could do it. It doesn't take talent or a natural ability.

For excercises, ya, you definitly have to do some training. I think I'm of average to below average cardio (I am an average Joe) - but what I found that helped was that I picked a brisk walking pace - and used that through the entire course - even used the same pace up hills, down hills, or on the flats.

To build up for the uphills I found using a Bosu ball and doing squats and lunges on it were great. If you can get up to about 20 or so one legged squats on the ball, and lunges - which are one legged, you'll be fine trucking up the hills. The instability of the ball will help you with the lumpy hills.

Work on the calves - big time. Those will be the first to go - then the quads, since you'll start over compensating for the lack of calve usage. I'd suggest - no or very low weights, calf raises, until the failure point or 20 reps - try to get up to doing one leg at a time raises - since your strong one will over compensate. Be able to do 8-10 sets of that. Do that at least once a week. The first time you do that - you won't walk till the next week - do it again. After a month, you might be a little tired, but not sore.

Being able to do chin ups is pretty important - otherwise you'll find yourself in the water a bunch. I couldn't do the rings, but I could do the monkey bars. I found though, the big thing was, being able to pull up - enough to get a leg/foot over the wall. You gotta be able to at least haul yourself up enough to get a leg up.

Pre-registration is up on the site for next year!

jc100 - I feel bad for you that you have what appears to be a very cynical attitude. I hope some day you find something that will challenge you beyond belief, and that you complete it, liberate yourself, and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with an immense challenge. Dare I say, I also pray that the ones around you present you with the encouragment and positive energy that seems to be lacking - from reading the few posts. Oh, and most of all - may all your beers be cold and delicious.
Congrats guys for finishing the course. You should be proud of that.

I really wanted to participate but I have had some knee issues lately so was a little nervous about running the course but I probably should of just tried anyway. Nonetheless, its on my to-do list.

By the sound of it, doing hill runs and skipping rope would of been of good as far as training goes. I find that doing standing weighted calf raises don't give you that same kind of super swole like extended rope sessions do. Just try skipping nonstop for 30 minutes, if thats not hard enough do it after running up and down a hill for 1 hour..

Im a bit surprised by some of the hater posts here about "why would you do that"... Like why not do it? Some people like to test themselves and while the day itself can feel like torture, the sense of accomplishment and the memory of it are sweet and just get sweeter as time goes by.
Why? I'd rather have a beer.
Good for you, I'd rather you skipped this thread and post-whored elsewhere. I guess that's too much to ask.
$150 is better spent on a trackday. Just my 2c.
Great, but you don't see the OP telling you in your track day thread that "$150 is better spent on ..."

Why do people feel the need to piss in other people's fruit loops all the time? Different people have different interests. Next time you see a post that doesn't interest you, just skip it, it's really not that difficult.
maybe tough mudder next year, a bunch of us are running one of the smaller events this weekend
Good for you, I'd rather you skipped this thread and post-whored elsewhere. I guess that's too much to ask. Great, but you don't see the OP telling you in your track day thread that "$150 is better spent on ..."

Why do people feel the need to piss in other people's fruit loops all the time? Different people have different interests. Next time you see a post that doesn't interest you, just skip it, it's really not that difficult.

Well, I'd rather they not skip a post. I don't mind explaining myself. Hey, what if we were able to change jc100's mind? Is that not a great accomplishment in itself? Even not changing his mind is fine too, but at least he's had a bit of exposure to a different way of thinking.
Why do people feel the need to piss in other people's fruit loops all the time? Different people have different interests. Next time you see a post that doesn't interest you, just skip it, it's really not that difficult.

but.. what if it interests me enough to post that I'm not interested? :p

I might do this next year if I get more friends into it. I tried the spartan race this year and it was fun! Definitely need to do way more hill runs for training.
Well, I'd rather they not skip a post. I don't mind explaining myself. Hey, what if we were able to change jc100's mind? Is that not a great accomplishment in itself? Even not changing his mind is fine too, but at least he's had a bit of exposure to a different way of thinking.

No you didn't change my mind. If you need to pay another person $100 or more to establish a sense of achievement then I am in awe of the organisation you paid money to that they can do this on a regular basis. My offer still stands, $100, I kick you in the nads....definite sense of achievement plus you get the satisfaction that not everyone has done this before so you're in an elite group (definite bragging rights there). Hey, I just realised my business model would be the same if I donated say 10% of the income to charity. If you need the camaraderie aspect you can bring a bunch of friends to fist pump the air while shouting "you can do it" at you...ok? I will see if I can get Under Armour to sponsor this event due to their peculiarly apt name and you can choose an embroidered headband or jockstrap (for an extra $20). Pay me $15 more and I'll wear steel toed boots for the "extreme hardcore" experience. :)
No you didn't change my mind. If you need to pay another person $100 or more to establish a sense of achievement then I am in awe of the organisation you paid money to that they can do this on a regular basis. My offer still stands, $100, I kick you in the nads....definite sense of achievement plus you get the satisfaction that not everyone has done this before so you're in an elite group (definite bragging rights there). Hey, I just realised my business model would be the same if I donated say 10% of the income to charity. If you need the camaraderie aspect you can bring a bunch of friends to fist pump the air while shouting "you can do it" at you...ok? I will see if I can get Under Armour to sponsor this event due to their peculiarly apt name and you can choose an embroidered headband or jockstrap (for an extra $20). Pay me $15 more and I'll wear steel toed boots for the "extreme hardcore" experience. :)

Well, you try to play nice, and some people are just the way they are. Anway, enjoy your beers.
I saw the video.. next time bring your bike along, clearly much more fun on 2 wheels!
Can I get a Hoorah!? congrats to everyone who finished! anyone considering it next year...DO IT! tons of fun, camaraderie and fit women!
Can I get a Hoorah!? congrats to everyone who finished! anyone considering it next year...DO IT! tons of fun, camaraderie and fit women!

Holy **** I forgot about that. I was so into trying to make it through that it wasn't until I finished...I realized...so many fit and hot women compared to the whales you see everyday.
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