If you're going to pull a weapon...

Try doing that in Toronto. ETF will be on your *** faster than you can blink.

Lol, amen.
It took them 10 mins max for them to arrive at my door re: pellet gun.
My bro was home, they asked if they can search him, lol

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Retractable batons are illegal weapons in Ontario aren't they?

No, they're not. They are not defined as a weapon until they are used as such, same as a knife or bat. USE the baton as a weapon, just the idiot in the OP's post did, and it opens a can of worms very quickly, in the OP's case; assault with a weapon.

Contrary to some of the advice above, they're not illegal to carry either. Concealed is not as simply defined as "not seen" but more so as "not carried where would be considered normal, thereby hidden". The best example, a knife in your pocket is not concealed, the same knife in your sock is. Once it becomes "concealed", it quite often automatically becomes a weapon.
Yep alot of ppl dont know that with swinging weapons u can just move up real close to defend. I dont understand the big hype of baseball bats too. It practically useless in a confined envirinment in the home

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You can cause pain/break ribs with a baseball bat just by jabbing hard enough, no need for a full swing. An extendo is effectively useless to 90% of the population inside 2 feet. For LEO/Security (assuming Security is trained and actually paid attention) it just becomes a different type of weapon, mainly joint manipulation.
Wonder what would have happened had you backed into his car trying to avoid getting hit with his club?

Anyway, don't drive anywhere near the GTA if you think Ottawa has traffic.
I didn't recommend it.. Someone asked if this is legal. I said yes.

Right on. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.. Unfortunately, especially in urban environments, you've got a large percentage of cops that fall under the following two groups..

1) The Ignoramus - Doesn't know the law, but can't wrap his head around the fact that it's legal, believes he's enforcing the law and protecting the community

2) The Anti - He believes that only cops and soldiers should carry firearms and has a major hardon for civilian firearm owners. He knows what you're doing is legal but will charge you anyway just to punish you since he knows you'll pay through your *** for legal representation

The results are the same - you obey the law and still get to pay tens of thousands for legal defense. Good luck trying to recover any of your costs lol
Right on. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.. Unfortunately, especially in urban environments, you've got a large percentage of cops that fall under the following two groups..

1) The Ignoramus - Doesn't know the law, but can't wrap his head around the fact that it's legal, believes he's enforcing the law and protecting the community

2) The Anti - He believes that only cops and soldiers should carry firearms and has a major hardon for civilian firearm owners. He knows what you're doing is legal but will charge you anyway just to punish you since he knows you'll pay through your *** for legal representation

The results are the same - you obey the law and still get to pay tens of thousands for legal defense. Good luck trying to recover any of your costs lol

My guess is they would simply be responding to the flood of calls about some person with a gun...
My guess is they would simply be responding to the flood of calls about some person with a gun...

So what if the person has a gun? Maybe he's taking it back to Bass Pro because it's junk or maybe he's hitting the cottage to go deer hunting. That's irrelevant. Once they know he's licensed to possess that firearm, if they do their jobs right, they're supposed to wish him a nice day and mind their own effin business instead of harassing a law abiding citizen even though he didn't break the law. It doesn't matter if you're in Nakina or parked in front of the Eaton Centre, if you're legal (and not having a mag in that firearm would be a good clue, for example :cool:), this is how the conversation should go:

-Sir, we got a report of a person transporting a firearm in the area
-Why yes, that's me. I have a PAL and I'm transporting it legally
[optional asking to see it, the owner showing it]
-Thank you sir, have a nice day
-You too, constable
Why not let the guy complete his turn in the first place instead of purposely blocking him? There will come a time when you might need to do the same thing and you'll complain about the douche that wouldn't let you in.
Why not let the guy complete his turn in the first place instead of purposely blocking him? There will come a time when you might need to do the same thing and you'll complain about the ****** that wouldn't let you in.

This is right downtown in Ottawa. Not that many places where u turns in normal traffic are advisable let alone in backed up traffic.
Normal for the type.. Had a mercedes driver pull tough guy crap on me b/c I honked when he pulled out in front of me. "Get back in the car before I get out" did the trick.. When are they gonna realize that just because they get to bully their admin staff and subordinates in the office, they can't do the same to people whose livelihood doesn't depend on them :cool:

Really? Driving a German car defines you as a bully? Wow, must be nice to be so simple-minded.
Really? Driving a German car defines you as a bully? Wow, must be nice to be so simple-minded.

I'm not saying that only pricks drive German luxury cars, but many of them seem to gravitate towards them.
So what if the person has a gun? Maybe he's taking it back to Bass Pro because it's junk or maybe he's hitting the cottage to go deer hunting. That's irrelevant. Once they know he's licensed to possess that firearm, if they do their jobs right, they're supposed to wish him a nice day and mind their own effin business instead of harassing a law abiding citizen even though he didn't break the law. It doesn't matter if you're in Nakina or parked in front of the Eaton Centre, if you're legal (and not having a mag in that firearm would be a good clue, for example :cool:), this is how the conversation should go:

-Sir, we got a report of a person transporting a firearm in the area
-Why yes, that's me. I have a PAL and I'm transporting it legally
[optional asking to see it, the owner showing it]
-Thank you sir, have a nice day
-You too, constable

While I tend to agree... all the info they may have at the time is that "some has a gun"... And next to the Eaton center, I could see why they would err on the side of caution. Granted, once the situation was established, I can see a drawdown of force, but rolling in without much info... I dunno.

I would fully expect to be subject to a pretty amped up initial contact.
Lol, amen.
It took them 10 mins max for them to arrive at my door re: pellet gun.
My bro was home, they asked if they can search him, lol

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I remember hearing years ago about a neighbour, saw someone in their living room walking around with a gun, nervous so they called the police which is whatever. House got surrounded by ETF only for them to find out it was a pellet gun. Bizzare. My thought was isn't it perfectly legal to sit in your living room and disassemble an unloaded firearm???

Also as far as carrying weapons go, i'd like to point out that it is both legal to carry a baton and a knife BUT it is not legal to carry them for the purpose of self defense. Meaning when the cops find it if you say you use the knife for wood carving they will give it back, tell them the same knife is for self defense and you're carrying a weapon.
I remember hearing years ago about a neighbour, saw someone in their living room walking around with a gun, nervous so they called the police which is whatever. House got surrounded by ETF only for them to find out it was a pellet gun. Bizzare. My thought was isn't it perfectly legal to sit in your living room and disassemble an unloaded firearm???

Also as far as carrying weapons go, i'd like to point out that it is both legal to carry a baton and a knife BUT it is not legal to carry them for the purpose of self defense. Meaning when the cops find it if you say you use the knife for wood carving they will give it back, tell them the same knife is for self defense and you're carrying a weapon.

Except, that there seem to be far more wood carvers than wood carvings. Hmmm, I believe that the police would be the first to understand.

Anyway, the big fiction of this thread is "traffic in Ottawa", there aren't even any Senators games going on.
I got stuck in traffic in Ottawa once, we had to slow down to 40 kph for 5-10 minutes until it cleared.
I remember hearing years ago about a neighbour, saw someone in their living room walking around with a gun, nervous so they called the police which is whatever. House got surrounded by ETF only for them to find out it was a pellet gun. Bizzare. My thought was isn't it perfectly legal to sit in your living room and disassemble an unloaded firearm???

Also as far as carrying weapons go, i'd like to point out that it is both legal to carry a baton and a knife BUT it is not legal to carry them for the purpose of self defense. Meaning when the cops find it if you say you use the knife for wood carving they will give it back, tell them the same knife is for self defense and you're carrying a weapon.

Hahaahha, i would laugh at those guys if they question me about me about what i do in my home.
Damn gestapo

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Also as far as carrying weapons go, i'd like to point out that it is both legal to carry a baton and a knife BUT it is not legal to carry them for the purpose of self defense. Meaning when the cops find it if you say you use the knife for wood carving they will give it back, tell them the same knife is for self defense and you're carrying a weapon.

In accordance with the Criminal Code of Canada a weapon is defined as:

« arme »

“weapon” means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use

  • (a) in causing death or injury to any person, or

  • (b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person
and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm;


Saying an object is used for self defense is implying it will be used to injure or threaten anyone.
They could say a cotton ball is a weapon if you choke someone with it.

So yes, "for self defense" is in violation of the criminal code. "for wood carving" is not showing intent to harm, so it is not illegal as long as the knife is within specs for the province.
In Ontario the blades have to be a specific length or shorter, depending on the type of blade, and can not be automatic (must unsheathe manually. So no gravity, butterfly, spring loaded, etc knives.) I'm a little too lazy to look it up right now though...
Lol, amen.
It took them 10 mins max for them to arrive at my door re: pellet gun.
My bro was home, they asked if they can search him, lol

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I was talking to a friend about replica firearms (ie. BB guns) from Japan and that I owned 2 (G36C and M4A1).

Somebody overheard as some cops came over to ask if I had firearms lol
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