I have several thieves in the office that seem to rummage through the things on my desk looking for loose change when I'm not there. They also steal my gum. I've set up a hidden surveillance and its amazing how in 2 weeks, I've recorded footage of 3 different people whom I don't know that have absolutely no relation to me, come to my desk, and look through my things to take. One was a cleaner who comes only on the weekend... one who comes occasionally during the week at around 9pm and one almost every single morning at 7am.
I'm not really allowed to set up surveillance and I don't want to get anyone fired for stealing my toonies or my gum. Also, I don't want to blow my cover because as soon as they find out I know they're stealing from me, they'll probably stop ... and there goes my entertainment. Also they may tell management I'm recording my office. Anyway, its politics I dont want to get into.
To my surprise, 2 out of the 3 thieves are women.
So my question to you is .... what interesting ways can I get a reaction from the thieves on camera?
The gum thief hasn't been around lately, but I've written a note inside the pack saying "Hey F YOU Stop stealing my gum". I was also thinking of putting a fake spider in my change bin so when the perp sticks her hand in and finds a spider, she'll freak.
This is all comedy for me and my coworkers so the funnier the idea, the better.