I Saw You: V.2.0

Re: Lone SS rider on hwy 2 in Trenton@ 2;30ish

just off 401w to 427 south ramp, at 9:40am ish silver bike(sv650 i think) pulled into the left shoulder, parked the bike, ran like a bat to the middle lane grabbed something and ran back to his bike. i was pretty scared for him
Re: I Saw You, Are you on this forum? V.2.0.

riding on the highway with a scooter?!?!? no way!!11
Re: I Saw You, Are you on this forum? V.2.0.

Danny Fernandes is Shawn Desmond's bro or cousin or something..i had no idea either....
To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

Go **** yerself.
I ride both, bic in summer and pedals in winter
A: its a bicycle lane, as if we dont have enough cars to deal with, parked in our lane, not giving us any ****ing room on the road. etc

B: i get it- yer cool you ride, two wheels you have a motor in between yer legs, cool wicked, lovved yer running shoes, you can go in between cars stay the **** out of the bike lanes. you make all the other riders look bad

if i ever see you doing that again, i will try to push you and yer bike over instead of just pointing out "BICYCLE lane not MORCYCLE"

I still cant beleive yer reply was -Two wheels!-
and why were yer feet hangning off the bike, you even know how to ****ing ride? yer a pussy and i hope someone steals yer bike;)
Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

lol.... wow... whoever that was, sure is paying for it with all those hatred....
Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

if i ever see you doing that again, i will try to push you and yer bike over

you even know how to ****ing ride? yer a pussy and i hope someone steals yer bike;)


Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

Did it look like a scooter? Did it have tiny non-functional pedals sticking out? Plenty of people on so-called "e-bikes" take bicycle lanes. Those are the same lazy buttholes who'll get power wheelchairs once they get into the 45-50 range because they'll be too fat to move on their own. I wouldn't be surprised if some people on actual scooters also take bicycle lanes because most e-bikes are just that.. Electric scooters.. And they look like that.
Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

Oh man, I hate cyclists on the road. You guys take up the space of a car on the road but guess what?!?!?! You don't obey the laws of the road!!!

Running stop signs, ignoring red lights. So quit yer yapping and cry me a river.
Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

Oh man, I hate cyclists on the road. You guys take up the space of a car on the road but guess what?!?!?! You don't obey the laws of the road!!!

Running stop signs, ignoring red lights. So quit yer yapping and cry me a river.

+1 .
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Re: I Saw You, Are you on this forum? V.2.0.

Props to the person riding the sexy M50 greyish black (I think?) near Jarvis and Queen today. I had the wind steer my car for me on the highway driving home so I can only imagine what you had to go through.
Re: To he Motorcylist in the bike lane

get Pedal bikes off the friggin road. you clowns are dangerous, and you think you are entitled to your own space ?

where does all your Bike Tax go to ? and your license tax, and plate renewal, and DL renewal, at Gas tax... of yeah, thats right, you dont contribute.

try to push over a motorcyclist ? you'd purposely try to injure a rider ?


btw, stfu:p
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