I Saw You: V.2.0

Green 250 at Bathurst and Major Mac this morning, ****** about the ticket!
Ninja 500R in primer gray (body work in progress?) in the Courtney Park and Hurontario area.

Sent from my iPhone - too lazy to use the computer.
As long as I get to be a bridesmaid I'll be happy! (Provided there's free food and drinks ;) )

Sure, what the heck! I'll be there if there is free food and drinks too (preferably steak and vodka)! Lmao! :D

Sounds like AL3RT can afford it... Seeing as he has spent money on dinners, flowers, trips, lingerie and jewelry that still ended up with sad faces. Hahaha!
Sure, what the heck! I'll be there if there is free food and drinks too (preferably steak and vodka)! Lmao! :D

Sounds like AL3RT can afford it... Seeing as he has spent money on dinners, flowers, trips, lingerie and jewelry that still ended up with sad faces. Hahaha!

ooo steak and vodka! cant go wrong with that!

He might be able to afford it.. but makes you wonder why they still end up with sad faces after all that? ;) not insinuating anything :P
A tendency to attract high maintenance species which are hard to please. My luck, I guess.
I'm one of a kind. :)

Dinners... Well I do like steak :D
Flowers... Meh.
Trips...adventures? :D
Lingerie... Time worn= not worth the $$$ lol
Jewelry...money better spent on bike, gear and steak :D

Not that any of those things wouldn't put a smile on my face. I'm still a girl. :)

LoL, easy to please.
LOOOOOL. That made my day
I'm picking the blue honda as the last one in. There's no reason for the baggage carrier to be that close to it, but the blue one is close to both. That means she had the choice of either side of the baggage carrier, and given the angle, this side had a wider opening at the front of the space.
I'm picking the blue honda as the last one in. There's no reason for the baggage carrier to be that close to it, but the blue one is close to both. That means she had the choice of either side of the baggage carrier, and given the angle, this side had a wider opening at the front of the space.

I would have to agree with this assessment. Blue Honda was probably annoyed that baggage carrier took up so much unnecessary space.
More like you are attracted to that type... You make your own luck. :D

Wow! Philosophy major? Professional optimist? Life coach? What a refreshingly positive outlook on life! :thumbup:
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