I Saw You: V.2.0

"LADY AND THE TRIUMPH" 8:15ish this morning

-----------south on univeristy-----------------

I'll say it again

"sweet ride"
yes I ride alone. I'm the lone ranger out there

Group rides can be quite lame...an excerise in restrained formaility. Aside from the company of friends, it is one hell of a stifling experience. Leg this, break tap that, ad-nauseum.

Alone, or riding with 2 or 3 others (max) is where it's at.
Group rides can be quite lame...an excerise in restrained formaility. Aside from the company of friends, it is one hell of a stifling experience. Leg this, break tap that, ad-nauseum.

Alone, or riding with 2 or 3 others (max) is where it's at.

Yes I plan on riding with only 3 to 4 hopefully
This morning getting on to gardiner via south kingsway - you on the yellow/black honda cbr. Lanesplitting... Saw you again pulled over near spadina. Enjoy paying for that ticket buddy, ride safe.

Hah! Pretty sure I saw that guy pass me making some pretty ballsy moves before the Jameson exit. Guess he got his
I had a feeling you would be the one to reply ... .. .

I ride with sports too and kick my legs. Sometimes you gotta kick far out if you got saddlebags. lol
lol.. that makes sense, if you got saddlebags then your pretty much doing the splits.. and by looking at the majority of these riders I dont think many would be able to kick out that far :D
Guy riding on the qew east bound, just before Trafalgar around 7:15. Towing a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful busa with some type of vehicle I don't remember (too focused on that sexy bike...)
You waved out of your window as I passed by (or there was some freaky coincidences going on), and I waved back.
me: blue gs500f on the shoulder lane, taking the exit off at Trafalgar.

Damn that's one sexy bike.
You south bound Cawthra and QEW, Rossi Rep Fiat (2007 paint job) R6

Me north bound Rossi rep jacket and helmet

Today 7:15ish

We should join forces! Hahaha
You were on a black R1, going north on bayview, riding super aggressive through traffic with no license plate!! You followed me for a while until there was an opening and then you booked it. I never really grasped how fast those bigger bikes go... I tried to keep up but was left in the dust in a matter of seconds. I went from like 60 to 80 and called it quits cause you were already down the street doing like 140!

Careful out there man!
3 guys on SS bikes headed North on Leslie in Thornhill. All in shorts and t-shirts, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic and lane splitting..

You guys are f-cking retarded.
Two riders at appleby and dundas burlington on a harley and green SS. Nice wheelie i wish i can respond an endo to that! :0)
On Durham 13 this morning, I was pulled over looking at Google Maps to get my bearings. Some guy on a bigger black bike honked and slowed down to make sure I was okay.

Thanks dude. Much appreciated.
Two riders at appleby and dundas burlington on a harley and green SS. Nice wheelie i wish i can respond an endo to that! :0)

I saw those guys too on Dundas just past walkers line I was on the Yellow Bike
Three guys leaving Shannonville today, two on supersports and one on a CBR125R I think. I looked back on Shannonville road and you were right on my bumper, at 80 Kmh. I looked back after we crossed both sets of train tracks, as I was turning onto the 401 on-ramp, and there were only two of you. Hopefully your CBR125R riding buddy was OK.
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