I Saw You: V.2.0

Bronze zx6r/Rider with orangy helmet on the dvp north in the atrocious traffic at about 530. You were riding the right shoulder. Only reason you stopped is because you probably wanted to ride along with whatever cruiser that was in the left lane.

How many shoes do you go through in a month. I've never seen someone ride with both their feet out for so long. Those aren't pontoons dude.
Fellow CBR125 Rider...
2) Don't put your stand down at a red light!

Sidestand/centerstand down is a good waty to trigger a traffic light, although with cars beside him/her it isn't needed.

Lady duck-walking a powered off orange dirtbike (looked like a no-name Chinese model) down McNicoll towards Cummer & Leslie at a slow, relaxed pace... what the hell were you doing?
to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

so i was turning off 403 onto hwy #10 heading north around 2:30 pm. as i turned the lights had changed and traffic was busy. all of a sudden a rider on a black ss came RIPPING, R-I-P-P-I-N-G through splitting cars and made about 8 split second ,heart stopping weaves in between about 20 VERY close together cars. My alarm bells were going off!! I think this type of riding has a very high probability of causing an accident and injuring others in the process....not cool. I thought this what a track was for.
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Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

i dont understand people that dont know the diffrence between their and there
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

i dont understand people that dont know the diffrence between their and there

I don't understand people who don't use apostrophes to denote contractions, can't spell "difference" and don't capitalise the letter "I" when referring to themselves.
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

I don't understand people who don't use apostrophes to denote contractions, can't spell "difference" and don't capitalise the letter "I" when referring to themselves.

Aha, great post.. Love it
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

so i was turning off 403 onto hwy #10 heading north around 2:30 pm. as i turned the lights had changed and traffic was busy. all of a sudden a rider on a black ss came RIPPING, R-I-P-P-I-N-G through splitting cars and made about 8 split second ,heart stopping weaves in between about 20 VERY close together cars. My alarm bells were going off!! I think this type of riding has a very high probability of causing an accident and injuring others in the process....not cool. I thought this what a track was for.

Probably booting it from a cop or something.
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

It's advocated as a new driving style intended to avoid getting into accidents.
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

Can't say as if I have seen a bike lane split past minivans on the track before.
So I can't take my minivan on the track? There goes my weekend.
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

I saw a dude in a tshirt and shorts and slip on shoes, with a girl in a sundress wearing less than flipflops on the back.

I just cringed at the thought of the girl falling off the back :o
Re: to each there own .....but i don't understand some riders.

I saw a dude in a tshirt and shorts and slip on shoes, with a girl in a sundress wearing less than flipflops on the back.

I see a lot of that in the southern US on my travels. It's usually a couple on a Harley or similar metric cruiser, sans helmets. Sportbikes have the same dress code, only they usually have a full-face helmet. And BMW riders are pretty much ATTGATT regardless of the ambient temp.

Was down in Hotlanta a week ago, there must have been a BMWMOA rally in the area because there were lots of the GS "Long Way Round" adventure types motoring about and they were all ATTGATT, while every single Harley/cruiser was Darwin dressed. It was 34C with no wind that day... stupid hot.
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