I Really Hate Guys Like This

Agree - unfortunately the idiots out there are the ones who have yet to learn. They're not known for being good listeners, either. Nor do they accept criticism. They also tend to respond with "come to the next L&L and tell that to my face!".

They're a special kind of dumb. But there is still no reason to cut them off deliberately. The sooner they dissapear over the horizon and become someone elses problem, the better.

You forgot the let's compare chicken strips or let's him some ramps or the dvp. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately there is only 1 cure for stupid that works.
It's called jail.
But in a country with court judges that refuse incarcerate cold blooded killers in many cases the murderers who run rampant on our Canadian highways using their vehicles as weapons have an open ended license to kill.
i often see these idiots on two wheels driving like bats out of hell from the cab of my 18 wheeler when at work.
I won't purposely try to run them over but if they think I'm ditching my truck and putting my families bread winner in the hospital or the grave to avoid one of them they had better make peace with their Saviour before getting on the bike
It ain't gonna happen.
Just another annoying bug in the rad grille.
lol this thread is up again. I've talked to the riders from video (yes, they have seen it). OP they ain't worried about it or your opinion.
ok I don't know how to quote but anywho..... ive crashed my bike doing a wheelie on one of the dirt roads by my house last week... don't have a bike anymore, I cut up my licence so theres one less unsafe driver on the street, now I have no right to complain because I do not have any means of transportation.. so there.... you F***** happy!!!! but who ever said the tire/braking distance comment.... umm I have a saying, tires and breaks are stupid, they only work as good as the rider. to answer another question.... my xr80 will break any law in Canada so ya my old XT would go fast( im thinking 150km/h range) but ill never know cuz I was still breaking it in, had less then 1000km on it for this movie and when I crashed it had less than 1700. its sad it really is.... THANK YOU GTAMOTORCYCLE FOURM FOR SHOWING ME THE LIGHT.... PEOPLE LIKE ME DO NOT BELONG ON THE STREETS, IM TOO SAFE. and 3 pages for a little clip? that's weak, cherrypickerracing would be double that now lol
Is this guy the reincarnation of Peggasus?
oh you think I know nothing about anything.... ok, good thing I just race in a straight line.... those corners might F*** me up pretty good......
ok I don't know how to quote but anywho..... ive crashed my bike doing a wheelie on one of the dirt roads by my house last week... don't have a bike anymore, I cut up my licence so theres one less unsafe driver on the street, now I have no right to complain because I do not have any means of transportation.. so there.... you F***** happy!!!! but who ever said the tire/braking distance comment.... umm I have a saying, tires and breaks are stupid, they only work as good as the rider. to answer another question.... my xr80 will break any law in Canada so ya my old XT would go fast( im thinking 150km/h range) but ill never know cuz I was still breaking it in, had less then 1000km on it for this movie and when I crashed it had less than 1700. its sad it really is.... THANK YOU GTAMOTORCYCLE FOURM FOR SHOWING ME THE LIGHT.... PEOPLE LIKE ME DO NOT BELONG ON THE STREETS, IM TOO SAFE. and 3 pages for a little clip? that's weak, cherrypickerracing would be double that now lol

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