I Really Hate Guys Like This

The whole problem is that fast bikes cost a few grand - makes them easily obtainable for people who dont have the maturity to ride them appropriately.
I live beside the 401 and you can see & hear the motorcycle dragsters going up and down the highway in the wee hours of the morning when the 4+ wheel traffic is not as heavy.
If you are quick enough to spot one some are going along at speeds approaching 150 mph.
They no doubt obscure their license plates before the drag match starts and the cops don't have a prayer of catching these guys unless the police services start issuing them turbo-prop helecopters instead of cruisers.
The whole problem is that fast bikes cost a few grand - makes them easily obtainable for people who dont have the maturity to ride them appropriately.

If a sensible person wants to get a sports bike they have to pay a fortune in insurance premiums because of the azzholes who use the highways as drag strips.
ok so no hes not a girl, so if I find the guy at one of these meets... hes seems like the type that violence solves things, cuz you know im in the worng... I should of moved over in MY lane to let him by at 140 ish. I shouldn't be aloud to drive such a slow bike on the highway (cuz my land speed XR80 will break any speed limit in Canada), sportbike have a total use on the street, we all need bikes that can go 300km/h anywhere anytime.... *cough* im a racer, not a good one.. not a famous one... ive been around these bikes my entire life, with real riders on them... not these sportbike posers with there fancy airbrushing and mile long swingarms... im sure ill take heat for this but what ever..... sportbike have no use on the street... period... You can go fast... way to go! you have race parts on your streetbike... you bad @$$! you own the road... you sure F*ckin do! I think the world would be a happier place with 50 hp or less. theres ladies and gents on this site who would tour North America with less HP then my lawn tractor, why cuz it was fun! not how loud the bike can get or how fast it can go. but what do I know?!?!?!

Wow - you started a thread about an individual that was riding like an idiot and you had everyone agreeing with you - some of whom clearly ride sport bikes. Then you went to this place? Who should decide how much power is enough? You can exceed the speed limit on your bike, so maybe that's too much? Sport tires get better traction - maybe there should be no dual purpose tires allowed on the street because they're a compromise. Does your bike have ABS? Dual disks at the front? We should ask the government to ensure there is a maximum stopping distance to go with the maximum horsepower, too.

People will break the law if they choose, no matter what they're driving or riding. When someone like that blows by you, you're right to call them an idiot. Buy your're wrong to tell me I shouldn't be allowed to have a sport bike because you saw an idiot today. I've seen idiots on every type of bike. If we advocated for new laws based on your logic, bikes wouldn't be available at all.
Wow - you started a thread about an individual that was riding like an idiot and you had everyone agreeing with you - some of whom clearly ride sport bikes. Then you went to this place?

Somebody needs to take a valium.
I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.
I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.

Why risk your license... they are perfectly capable of crashing unassisted.
really, maybe all ,super sports ,super cars should be banned ,any vehicle that can do 50 over should be banned
I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.


**** just got real!

I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.
Watch out, captain america over here

I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.

I edited this post for my own sake of not getting banned over some sad soul like yourself.

All of this, coming from someone caught 49 over.. The original post exposed you, I've chosen to just tell you that what you're saying is pathetic.

Ride safe guys.
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I've seen a lot of SS riders recently with black vests doing stupid things on the 401. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they're all part of a endangered species riding club or something. Regardless, if you're one of them reading this, just know that I'm one of those drivers who WILL purposely merge into your lane if I see you speeding up on me at ridiculous speeds.

People like you make me want to keep a lock and chain within arms reach on my bike.... What's ridiculous to you doesn't matter, you're not the law.
People like you make me want to keep a lock and chain within arms reach on my bike.... What's ridiculous to you doesn't matter, you're not the law.

Depends what law you're taking about.
Otto Von Bismarck WWI Chancellor of Germany coined the phrase "might makes right".
Don't take me wrong, I don't agree with highway vigilantism but when you're riding a 600 pound motorcycle and a guy in a vehicle that weighs upwards of a ton and a half decides to "take you on" for whatever misguded reason the laws of physics are on his side and in most cases you're gonna lose.
I'll take the opportunity to coin a new truism: Don't take a motorcycle to a car fight.
Motorcyclists by necessity are polite drivers.
Do you reread what you write before you hit post?
I personally don't care if someone drives 150 mph on the highways.
What I do mind is the carnage on the blacktop and my insurance bill that they cause.
And if you've had a close family member hurt or killed in accidents caused by these idiots you'll know what I mean.
And I'm not referring just to sports bike drivers I'm referring to all drivers who drive like nut cases on the roads not giving a shyt about others.
Agree - unfortunately the idiots out there are the ones who have yet to learn. They're not known for being good listeners, either. Nor do they accept criticism. They also tend to respond with "come to the next L&L and tell that to my face!".

They're a special kind of dumb. But there is still no reason to cut them off deliberately. The sooner they dissapear over the horizon and become someone elses problem, the better.
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