I give up

I didn't read any of the above really, but this one time at Speedy's Place in Coburg, this old hag stripped, and I made a bolt for the door. True story.
The bouncer carried a giant buck knife in his pocket as well.
I take blame for some of the flaming and assure you that sometimes, I do check my writing. But I do have an excuse and I am not afraid to say so, while I try my best to learn from my mistakes.

But let the record be clear that I have noticed my spelling and writing can be way better than many of the Canadian kids I've known in my 10yrs in the country. :)
Earhquakes...Tsunamis....Tornados...Wild fires....killing thousands...whole towns burned to the ground...

And THIS is what gets you people upset?? Pathetic if you ask me.
Earhquakes...Tsunamis....Tornados...Wild fires....killing thousands...whole towns burned to the ground...

And THIS is what gets you people upset?? Pathetic if you ask me.

Thankfully, those things are not under our control, I can accept that. Obviously we're not choosing to let people suffer and die. It's the things we can change but don't that upset me. The point being that people generally just don't use their heads (the big one on top of their shoulders I mean).
A large part of the problem is our over-reliance on verbal communication over the printed word. We pick up and re-use idioms and phrases without bothering to understand their etymology, let alone learn the proper spelling.

I take it all for granite now. Weather people want to tow the line or not, it just doesn't seem to phase me anymore. It seems to pass mustard these days, so it's all a mute point really. I stopped trying to nip it in the butt a long time ago, and you won't find me waiting with baited breath for them to correct themselves. It's all one in the same to me these days.
If you're giving up, can I take it? I've always needed an up.

My wife's professor would correct her pronunciation of her own last name.
What bugs me....

Complete opposite – can it be somewhat opposite?
Close proximity - close close
ATM machine – The M in ATM is for machine.
HIV virus – HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus
PIN number – The N already stands for number
Armed gunman – come on journalists, quit using this
ER room – This one has been around forever. Emergency room room?
IRA account – It is not necessary to say account
Advanced notice – duh!
Free gift – What other kind is there?
7 a.m. in the morning – This really bugs me.
Pair of twins – Isn’t that how they usually come?
Attached together – (not the twins)
Revert back – well, revert means to go back
Past history – as opposed to future history maybe?
How about final outcome and added bonus?

Reiterate again; re-repeat?
Very unique; It's either unique or it isn't

The joys of tech response. "The little thingy on the whachamacallit that looks like the other thingy on the other side but bigger with rounded corners........."

And what exactly does "Refurbished" mean? New fur?

And finally. my repairs last indefinately. ie an undefined length of time. Two seconds, two years, two decades. Roll your dice.
A large part of the problem is our over-reliance on verbal communication over the printed word. We pick up and re-use idioms and phrases without bothering to understand their etymology, let alone learn the proper spelling.

I take it all for granite now. Weather people want to tow the line or not, it just doesn't seem to phase me anymore. It seems to pass mustard these days, so it's all a mute point really. I stopped trying to nip it in the butt a long time ago, and you won't find me waiting with baited breath for them to correct themselves. It's all one in the same to me these days.


I see what you did there....
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