I give up | GTAMotorcycle.com

I give up


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At what point does a mistake become so common that it becomes the correct way of doing things? At what point do you stop pointing out that same error over and over and over again, and just say to hell with it, you're right.

It has become apparent to me that we are at a new threshold where now, "breaks" are a device used to reduce one's speed (just from posts I ran across today);


and "brakes" is what GSP does to your bones.

I guess I just need to adjust to the new reality. I dunno how but I have to try. It was hard enough adjusting to calling a "wheel" by it's new name, a "rim".

So I guess the outer edge of a wheel is... the rim's rim. OK, it's crazy to me but I guess I'll have to adapt.

Maybe it's not too late to save "stripped", versus "rounded".

A bolt is "stripped" when the threads shear off from overtightening. To be more specific, one can say stripped threads

When trying to remove a bolt, if the tool slips and the bolt doesn't budge, that is called a "rounded" bolt (specifically, a rounded head)

Or maybe I really should just give up?
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Dems the brakes, I guess.
At least the bolts weren't striped.

I always thought a wheel included the rim and the tyre. it's just a circular object.
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This tread sucks. :rolleyes:
What bugs me....

Complete opposite – can it be somewhat opposite?
Close proximity - close close
ATM machine – The M in ATM is for machine.
HIV virus – HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus
PIN number – The N already stands for number
Armed gunman – come on journalists, quit using this
ER room – This one has been around forever. Emergency room room?
IRA account – It is not necessary to say account
Advanced notice – duh!
Free gift – What other kind is there?
7 a.m. in the morning – This really bugs me.
Pair of twins – Isn’t that how they usually come?
Attached together – (not the twins)
Revert back – well, revert means to go back
Past history – as opposed to future history maybe?
How about final outcome and added bonus?
What bugs me....

Complete opposite – can it be somewhat opposite?
Close proximity - close close
ATM machine – The M in ATM is for machine.
HIV virus – HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus
PIN number – The N already stands for number
Armed gunman – come on journalists, quit using this
ER room – This one has been around forever. Emergency room room?
IRA account – It is not necessary to say account
Advanced notice – duh!
Free gift – What other kind is there?
7 a.m. in the morning – This really bugs me.
Pair of twins – Isn’t that how they usually come?
Attached together – (not the twins)
Revert back – well, revert means to go back
Past history – as opposed to future history maybe?
How about final outcome and added bonus?

Wow, good ones!
i think there are more worthwhile things to be annoyed about given the threads you listed then your topic.

848 evo ooh mai gawd, im 10x the rider now because i can break 10x better, harder, and faster.

omg! old lady stopped in front of me, my day is ruined, f u!

...and etc.

i'm exaggerating a bit...but ya.
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people can't get "your" and "you're" right. do you really think "brake" and "break" is going to be any better?
when crossing the boarder I had to hit the breaks cuz the guard wanted to check out my gears.

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