I don't know you, stay the f*** away from me!

Only ever seen it in Toronto. Maybe the instructors there, could mention it during the course, and see if the habit can be broken.

For Schnitzels we used to go to Wally's European Cuisine on Dundas near Kipling. We'd call it Wally's volume eating.
Schnitzels were bigger than the little restaurant, was it on Jutland? and almost the size of those from the Donauschwaben that was on Main St.

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Only ever seen it in Toronto. Maybe the instructors there, could mention it during the course, and see if the habit can be broken.

Although the M1 Exit course is the most popular one offered by schools, the reality is that only a small percentage of riders on the road take this course. It's primarily conducted in the parking lot and is meant to teach new riders how to operate a motorcycle, not how to ride in traffic.

There is supposed to be a theory session conducted a few days before the M1X course. Staggered riding position is mentioned in the presentation, but students just aren't ready to absorb that information at that point. Most of them have never even sat on a motorcycle.

Some schools offer an M2 Exit course which takes riders out into traffic, and that is a good place to reinforce good riding skills and practice staggered riding position, but even a smaller percentage of riders take the M2X compared to the M1X.

Here, you get into a situation where riders who opt to take a course like the M2X, are the exact same people who will do their own research on their own free time and learn about staggered riding position on forums and YouTube anyway. The squid who follows too closely and passes people in their own lane are not the kind of folks who sign up for courses in the first place.

Textbook example of Selection Bias.
Dude, relax. Move away or ride faster. You're making this a big deal out of nothing. I've never had this happen before because I ride a vstrom and it's slow 🤣
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