I don't know you, stay the f*** away from me!

Anyone who rides 6' away from a friend or a stranger is an idiot. Typically you see this type of formation riding with cruisers or with sport bike riders. One person goes down and then everyone behind them goes down as well. I think it probably looks cool, a group ride / groupthink type of thing, lots of fun until something bad happens and then it isn't.

I was on the 407, on my ST, doing about 115 - 120 and saw a large group of riders coming up fast in the left lane. Was passed by OPP motorcyclists in formation, about 20 -30 bikes, 2 abreast, about 6' apart, doing about 140. Maybe some type of training ride or Golden Helmets going somewhere for a demonstration. Looked very impressive, but I still think they're fools for riding on a public highway effectively tailgating each other, if the lead bike gets cut off they'd all be toast in < 5 seconds with no response time and nowhere to go.

If someone was following me this way I'd just pull over and let them go, same as someone tailgating me so closely in my car that I can't see their headlights in my rearview mirror.
This past weekend I came up behind a rider on Eastern with gridlock traffic and decided to turn onto Logan to escape. Turns out the rider ahead had the same thoughts. My normal route in that area of the city is Dundas > Greenwood > Danforth and eventually to my place.. and he has a similar route and I was following behind him the entire time.

I wonder if I was creeping that fellow out.
Last year I was on the 407 early'ish in the morning and saw a cruiser and his passenger. I got into formation on my cruiser a good 2-3 seconds back and we stuck like that for some time before I got off. He gave me the wave as I exited and I reciprocated.

I think we both knew that we were more visible and were both safer that way.

If he changed lanes or accelerated I'd get the message and we'd separate but I'd never be as close as the OP seems to indicate.

A question for the OP: How would you feel if you were the cruiser guy? I sense you just want to do your own ride and have a "I'm not your buddy so don't hang with me" sense of space? Either is cool.
Last year I was on the 407 early'ish in the morning and saw a cruiser and his passenger. I got into formation on my cruiser a good 2-3 seconds back and we stuck like that for some time before I got off. He gave me the wave as I exited and I reciprocated.

I think we both knew that we were more visible and were both safer that way.

If he changed lanes or accelerated I'd get the message and we'd separate but I'd never be as close as the OP seems to indicate.

A question for the OP: How would you feel if you were the cruiser guy? I sense you just want to do your own ride and have a "I'm not your buddy so don't hang with me" sense of space? Either is cool.
I dont have an issue with a 2+ second gap. Shrink that distance and we have a problem. Unless we are crawling in traffic in first gear, you need to be far enough back that I can do what I want and you can avoid me.
Toronto motorcyclists have a dangerous habit of trying to pass me on the right side on single lane roads. Stop using the bike lane and just wait in rush hour traffic like everyone else 😡🤬😡🤬
Stranger Danger!

I always ride offset to any rider in front of me. If it's someone I don't know, it won't be 6 feet away, but the normal 2 seconds back just as I would any other vehicle. I ride offset so I can see past the rider, and not have my vision ahead blocked by his bike.
I've set up in a stagger at 2 seconds back before (in the past), some riders see it as an invitation to ride with you in formation.

I'm not interested in riding formation with someone I don't know/trust -- these days I follow at the normal distance (2 seconds) in the track I'd use if I was following a car -- just treat them like any other user -- if they jump into formation from behind I turn off or bolt.
I've set up in a stagger at 2 seconds back before (in the past), some riders see it as an invitation to ride with you in formation.

I'm not interested in riding formation with someone I don't know/trust -- these days I follow at the normal distance (2 seconds) in the track I'd use if I was following a car -- just treat them like any other user -- if they jump into formation from behind I turn off or bolt.

This season around Guelph on the highway, I bolted and he tried to catch up to me. Enned up having a lot of fun playing Tag 🙃
Anyone who rides 6' away from a friend or a stranger is an idiot. Typically you see this type of formation riding with cruisers or with sport bike riders. One person goes down and then everyone behind them goes down as well. I think it probably looks cool, a group ride / groupthink type of thing, lots of fun until something bad happens and then it isn't.

I was on the 407, on my ST, doing about 115 - 120 and saw a large group of riders coming up fast in the left lane. Was passed by OPP motorcyclists in formation, about 20 -30 bikes, 2 abreast, about 6' apart, doing about 140. Maybe some type of training ride or Golden Helmets going somewhere for a demonstration. Looked very impressive, but I still think they're fools for riding on a public highway effectively tailgating each other, if the lead bike gets cut off they'd all be toast in < 5 seconds with no response time and nowhere to go.

If someone was following me this way I'd just pull over and let them go, same as someone tailgating me so closely in my car that I can't see their headlights in my rearview mirror.
Now imagine it was twice that many Hell's Angels with raked forked and almost no brakes. How did more of them not end up in the hospital or a grave?
Now imagine it was twice that many Hell's Angels with raked forked and almost no brakes. How did more of them not end up in the hospital or a grave?
Because none have good brakes? Person in front can't throw on the binders. Also years of practice riding in the stupidest way possible makes it a bit safer. Still more dangerous than if you left space.
I dont have an issue with a 2+ second gap. Shrink that distance and we have a problem. Unless we are crawling in traffic in first gear, you need to be far enough back that I can do what I want and you can avoid me.
In the GTA, a 2 second gap is considered an invitation for a schnitzer or ricer in a hurry to get somewhere - they'll take that space just to hear their crackle-tune!
I'm guessing the german equivalent of a ricer. Although Schnitzer did actually make fast cars.
Schnitzels on the other hand...


Quasi-related, but has anyone tried the mega-schnitzel at STELVIO on Dundas? Always been curious, keep seeing pictures of it.
Schnitzels on the other hand...

View attachment 55103

Quasi-related, but has anyone tried the mega-schnitzel at STELVIO on Dundas? Always been curious, keep seeing pictures of it.

No, but I'll have to try them out. Golden Pheasant is around the corner from me and sounds like the same idea. Here's the last one we got for takeout:

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