You guys have a seriously skewed CNN-esque view of Iran. Western media education at work....
My sad attempt at referencing the last time some on tried this on Israel
You guys have a seriously skewed CNN-esque view of Iran. Western media education at work....
Id put money on the president of Iran droppin a nuke on Israel as soon as they develop one. That guy just seems like a caaarazy religious nut.
In the US Rick Santorum is polling with more popularity than Obama. The US seems to be going for their own religious nut.
This is supposed to be a "free" country with "minimalist" government intervention, and clear separation of church and state.
There can only be oneWith great powers come great responsibities.
Every week in USA politics, there is a new flavor of the week, mostly influenced by the media (fox), they have speaking points like "Rick Santorum gaining on popularity" and they drive those speaking points every day until perception becomes realityI honestly don't remember. The fact that I saw it scared the crap out of me. The race to polarize people down there really scares me as it has had an impact on how our politicians have started to behave.
its about the oil idiots
Can't wait Israel get's their ***** kicked. Probably won't happen at the hands of Iran..but the day a country stands up to Israel is a good day in my books.