I clogged my toilet with Carrots! FIXED!!!!

Yorkee said:
Pepper said:
podpeople said:


Why wouldn't you throw them in the garbage?

They were in water, and the water was gross. I didn't want any of it touching me. :oops:

did you throw the carrot AND the plastic bag in the toilet?

Surprisingly, I'm smart enough to know not to flush a plastic bag. I'd cut the carrots and put them in a container.
Sara...be careful about letting things like Drano sit in the toilet for too long. I use a really powerful chemical that I purchased at the hardware store...it unplugs clogs in a matter of seconds...but on the label, it states not to leave it in for more than a few minutes (can't remember exactly how long it stated) as the heat it generates could crack the porcelain. But that stuff works in getting rid of the clog very quickly. It's in a plastic container and that container is in a sealed plastic bag. Don't get any on your hands...that's the warning on there. I think someone else mentioned this product before too...it's industrial strength...used by the professionals. Good luck.
Pepper said:
Yorkee said:
Pepper said:
podpeople said:


Why wouldn't you throw them in the garbage?

They were in water, and the water was gross. I didn't want any of it touching me. :oops:

did you throw the carrot AND the plastic bag in the toilet?

Surprisingly, I'm smart enough to know not to flush a plastic bag. I'd cut the carrots and put them in a container.

as long as u dont throw the container in the toilet, drano should work...
I hope you didnt actually use the toilet after its clogged..

watch out for leaks after using any heavy industrial acid ;)
Pretty sure the reason Drano is not to be used in a toilet is because of the gasket that joins the toilet to the toilter flange. This gasket is either made of open cell foam, or wax. Both could probably be harmed by the acid, thereby causing a leak at the base of the toilet onto the floor!

The solution you need is called a closet auger. It is specifically designed for use in toilets. It is essentially a sewar snake with a handle similer to a handcrank. The body of the unit has a steel tube over it so that the snake does not turn against the inside of the visible bowl. It turns further down so you don't scratch the bowl.

Rent one, solve the problem!

redsuspenders said:
Pretty sure the reason Drano is not to be used in a toilet is because of the gasket that joins the toilet to the toilter flange. This gasket is either made of open cell foam, or wax. Both could probably be harmed by the acid, thereby causing a leak at the base of the toilet onto the floor!

The solution you need is called a closet auger. It is specifically designed for use in toilets. It is essentially a sewar snake with a handle similer to a handcrank. The body of the unit has a steel tube over it so that the snake does not turn against the inside of the visible bowl. It turns further down so you don't scratch the bowl.

Rent one, solve the problem!


Thanks. Hopefully when I get home tonight the unclogging stuff hasn't caused a leak.

Who knew being lazy could lead to so many problems! :lol:
so whats the update? :lol: :wink: :lol:
chiller said:
so whats the update? :lol: :wink: :lol:

After leaving the drain-o in for a night and a full work day, the carrots are still winning.

That's carrots 3, Sarah 0
oh oh oh :? i was watchign tv 2 days a go and it was funny cause i had just read this and..
they said never put draino in a toilet cause it can crack it right in half or in to a tone of piceses if u use it ur luckey nothing hapend should have told u befor
get a close hanger curve it and reff on it tell ya rip em all out hahaha
Pepper said:
After leaving the drain-o in for a night and a full work day, the carrots are still winning.

That's carrots 3, Sarah 0

drano is weak (much like ukraine :D)

try the snake, you'll probably have better luck with it. if the carrots aren't holding back the water flow completely and you didn't flush the drano down (with the water valve off) then all you probably succeeded in doing was cleaning your toilet bowl extremely well :P
Sarah's getting Owned by carrots!!!

i say.. bring in the dynamite
that's always fun
hahahha funny story! love it!!!

best way to unclog it is to use an auger aka snake, which you slide/slink in/down the toilet.
you giggle, wiggle, twist it and the tip breaks up the carrots or at least loosens it up so that u might be able to flush it down.

drano and those other liquids are nasty...go the friendly route and use an auger.

good luck!
I have to say:

but I'll also offer you the use of my toilet... it's carrot free and not too far from your place... :lol: I can't believe you haven't fixed this yet...

Seriously, it's time to call the Super before you cause an even BIGGER problem... :evil:
Well, two days since I offered up the correct way to clear the blockage. Hows it working out for you??? Did you make a stew in the pot yet??
I am suprised that some "knight in shining armor" hasn't offered to go over to your place and fix it for you.
What ever happened to chivalry?
Before I went out to get a snake yesterday I decided to do a few more plunges. Finally, the carrots left!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. And while, I could do without the week of broken toilet, I'm glad you all had a winter-time laugh.
Pepper said:
Before I went out to get a snake yesterday I decided to do a few more plunges. Finally, the carrots left!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. And while, I could do without the week of broken toilet, I'm glad you all had a winter-time laugh.

I can't believe you went a whole week without a shitter... :shock:
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