I clogged my toilet with Carrots! FIXED!!!!

go to Home Depot and rent a "snake"
its a long steel flexible rod that you can push down the toilet, they come in really long sizes too (from 25 to 100 feet)..... i rented one for the day for less than $20

some are manual, some are electric

just keep pushing the rod down the toilet.... the carrots have probably bunched up in one area

that's why you should only flush 4-5 carrots at a time...... which is similar to the poop-flush-poop technique
appak said:
try renting a plumber's snake to clear up the pipes...

thats what i ment, not a fish tape
ok so a 3 pound bag and u for got them ? hope fully u were going to eat them every day of the week not in one day how could u forget them for so long lol i say use paint thiner
Pepper said:
I think if I'm dumb enough to flush carrots down the drain, I shouldn't be taking off the toilet. That's just another embarrasing story waiting to happen! 8)

Thanks for all the advice.

oh come one, try it,

im sure the rest of us would enjoy the story just as much as this one, if not even more
Pepper said:
jupiter13 said:
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah... it could only happen to you... :D

I have a gift :lol:

Signalsdrone said:
You have to have a good plunger technique, keep the most air inside the plunger you can and make sure it looks like it's good and sealed before you give it a nice, quick thrust. Unfortunatly I've had many times to practice this all important home skill.

I'm happy to say I haven't yet needed to master this skill!

Well I hope you fix it... I better see you at dodgeball tonight, backed up toilets are no excuse
HCl... Hydrochloric Acid!

1 L of 1 M solution should do the trick... :D

Try it before your breakfast/lunch/dinner kicks in! (or tries to kick out)
here are your options


or u can just get this kind of a toilet snake


podpeople said:


Why wouldn't you throw them in the garbage?

They were in water, and the water was gross. I didn't want any of it touching me. :oops:
thats what opening windows are for...


buahahahahahahahahah some more

anyway just keep plunging eventually something will move, the other way might be to use a drano type and let it sit overnite and perhaps it will "soften" up your carrots enuff it will be able to flushed away...
ya lets get an update on this

we did half the job here for you, coming up with many options to fix this problem,

or are you still waiting for one of us to come over and do it for you? :D
oioioi said:
or are you still waiting for one of us to come over and do it for you? :D

Toilet unclogging party at Pepper's house!! BYOC (bring your own carrots) :twisted:

pm me for directions!! :lol:

I must have missed the home economics class on how to use a plunger. Or is it more of a man skill?? Either way, I'm the world's worst plunger!

So far, 4 carrot pieces have been retrieve after lots of plunging attempts. My poor hands hurt :cry: Last night I went and grabbed some Draino, and although it says not to use in toilets I did. I'm letting it sit until tonight, so I'm hoping it'll eat through all the carrots.

What am I doing in the meantime?? I'm lucky, my sister lives down the street.

Getting a snake tomorrow from a co-worker. Although, I've tried a hanger and it hasn't worked. :roll:
well working a plunger is pretty self explanatory....put it in the hole and start pumping LOL !! :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :D

seriously tho just make sure there is a good seal around the plunging head and plunge away the downward push is more important so don't need to pull it up it'll come up on its own...
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