You aren't breaking any rules when you get in the express lane, now are you? You are when lane split. Therein lies the difference.
And yes, it has been discussed to death, and this thread offers nothing new. Proponents ogf lane splitting want to do it whether legal or not, while many of those opposed to it are only opposed while it actually IS illegal, because it is illegal.
The lawful state of lanesplitting is illegal in Canada and most of the US. We know that. We also know laws, sometimes, have jack **** do with morality or ethics.
It would appear, however, that some riders and most car drivers consider lane splitting UNETHICAL. That is, unethical in the same sense as cutting in line. While I can understand why individuals would compare lane-splitting with cutting in line, the comparison is generally made with ignorance...that is, not being educated on certain facts.
Regardless, this thread, multiple threads prior to it, comments from my friends about smacking bikes using doors and a hypothetical video have all pointed towards one thing: regardless of the lawful, ethical and moral state of lane splitting; it is DAMNED unsafe in Canada because you can and will get your *** hurt and have little to no means of compensation even if somebody's intention was to kill you.
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