I agree. 407 is brilliant for getting from one side of the city to the other. Worth it for me to pay also.
I agree. 407 is brilliant for getting from one side of the city to the other. Worth it for me to pay also.
"The little extra time used in staying off the 407 is well worth it and will bring about change if more people did that. "
Sorry, but my time is still worth more than the amount charged at present.
+1 More so the headache of stop and go traffic, people cutting me off etc. I like to start and end my day off calmly. I despise bumper to bumper traffic - get's me all worked up for no reason.
Once upon a time I had that very beta player :lmao:
I'll bet it doesn't. That will never happen in my lifetime and I've got a while to go.Wait till they start tolls on the Gardner. Its coming folks...you can bet on it
In my old work life, I ran from the start in Burlington to Britannia and home daily. At the time I was paying a bit over $300 per month, or just under $14 daily fuguring 22 working days a month. Not taking it would have cost me a hours a day. I think I was worth at least $14 a day for my time.
Today, no tolls in my life on any regular basis
side story, i had an old pathfinder years ago had the outside spare tire carrier. Because of the position the cameras were unable to pick up the plate the angle to be able to view the plate was too acute. Not sure if the cameras could pick up the plate today and if not what legal obligation it would be? the vehicle was unmodified from they way the factory built it
Watch out a plate flipper is illegal I am not sure what the charge isin Ontario. in bc they have seized vehicles for it.JUST WANTED TO ADD...
I reckon the 407 should be a gift to motorcycles, we paid for it with taxes and they gave us the HOV lanes so,
applying similar logic, let the bikes ride free!
I have avoided charges by hugging the guardrail as you enter and leave the highway through the PIC gates.
NOT 100% but, some success in the past. Now I have a better scheme... my licence plate becomes a mudflap when I enter
and leave. Pretty sweet considering what the driving across the 401 has become. I did see a car wreck on the 407 today, upside down
in the ditch with 7x OPP in attendance plus the tow truck. Mostly drama free clear sailing...
It's a $5 cabinet hinge from Home Depot.