Hwy 407 question.

.. 118 .. So not true.

that's the number for tractor trailers he's confusing it with. if they reach 118 and are Ontario plates, that's the evidence that they don't have a 105km/h limiter.
judging by the average speed seems to be 140 on the 407 I doubt it cars.
Oh yeah, we pay for it! 407 tosses them some cash as well.... But we still foot the majority of the bill. Never go over 118km, that's the speed they start nailing us for speeding (unless everyone is going faster).
Is there an award for talking **** you don't know about? because my men, you sure should win it.
if you are doing 118 on the 407 the grannies in their buicks will be riding your arse even in the right lane
If you're the ONLY car on the road, they start nailing you after 118-120.... If you're in a large amount of traffic, obviously you won't get tagged.. Everyone in the city drives fast as hell on it BUT I'm out east, most of the time at night they sit @ Markham-Stouffville and tag anyone over 120. My dad is a retired cop and got pulled over there as well as myself, the OPP officer told him they get anyone over 118-120 if you're the only car at night. Pretty sure pops wouldn't lie about it, he hates those traffic cops...
Is there an award for talking **** you don't know about? because my men, you sure should win it.

Please, go to the east end of the 407 after 9 PM any week night. Please do 130km/h from Markham to Pickering and see how fast you get tagged.

**They also hide behind the Keele St. Ramp going eastbound quite often**

Also, they DO indeed have their own OPP detachment. Money from the 407 goes into that contract.

Can I get a cookie for knowing what I'm talking about? I've probably used the damn 407 more times then you could ever imagine going on it. Brock (aka the end of the 407) to the 427 every day. Let's be real here..... We as the tax payer pay for most of the emergency services, am I wrong or am I right?
Matthew.Tremayne-- I get upset at my bill when it comes in at $50 a month. Brock to 427?! *sends shivers down spine.*
When I was many years younger, I worked with my aunt at Markham Longo's. We lived in Brampton. Some days 2 hours each way. I would have loved the 407 back then!
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Please, go to the east end of the 407 after 9 PM any week night. Please do 130km/h from Markham to Pickering and see how fast you get tagged.

**They also hide behind the Keele St. Ramp going eastbound quite often**

Also, they DO indeed have their own OPP detachment. Money from the 407 goes into that contract.

Can I get a cookie for knowing what I'm talking about? I've probably used the damn 407 more times then you could ever imagine going on it. Brock (aka the end of the 407) to the 427 every day. Let's be real here..... We as the tax payer pay for most of the emergency services, am I wrong or am I right?


I take the 407 more than you, and drive further than you on it. AND working in emergency services, we run calls to the 407 all the time.

Your lack of (mis) information is quite funny ..

I take the 407 more than you, and drive further than you.

Your lack of (mis) information is quite funny ..

How true.
I am a Tier 1 user. (rewards joke for overcharging) my 1,500km + month.

It is definitely different in the Ol West (Mississauga-Halton) lol

OPP will play cat and mouse (speed up, slow, speed up) and then lite em up at 115 from pacing ahead of you).
Lesson-Dont use OPP as pace car or take GTAM advise that its ok to speed 18 over

Drive smart.
I also live in Brooklin and so does inferno
Please, go to the east end of the 407 after 9 PM any week night. Please do 130km/h from Markham to Pickering and see how fast you get tagged.

**They also hide behind the Keele St. Ramp going eastbound quite often**

Also, they DO indeed have their own OPP detachment. Money from the 407 goes into that contract.

Can I get a cookie for knowing what I'm talking about? I've probably used the damn 407 more times then you could ever imagine going on it. Brock (aka the end of the 407) to the 427 every day. Let's be real here..... We as the tax payer pay for most of the emergency services, am I wrong or am I right?
With nothing, unless he wasn't paying attention and flipped his plate without noticing there was an OPP car looking at him; or if he was dumb enough to not flip his plate back on after he passed the camera.

And if that was the case, the savings from all the times he didn't pay for the 407 will still out way whatever ticket he got including any increases in insurance if there was some. Still a win win situation.

Screw the 407, that is revenue that goes to a Spanish private company, not money that stays in Canada. I will gladly not pay anytime I have the chance and anyone that thinks otherwise needs to give itself a head slap.

I drove all around Portugal and Spain for 3 weeks, most highways are tolls (approximately 3500km) total paid after the 3 weeks was just under 200 bucks. Took the 407 a few times in my car (early meetings) for a period of just under 2 weeks, total bill around 150 bucks, who is screwing who?

Supposedly I used the 407 in early 2000's, total bill was under 90$, never got a bill. 10 years later a $1000 dollar bill showed up at my door step, guess what after all my complaints going to deaf ears, I had to pay it or they wouldn't renew my registration, pure robbery and there is nothing you can do about it.

Unless Wikipedia is out of date, though that would be hard to believe considering the ire it raises: "The Ontario corporation, known as 407 International Inc., is jointly owned by Cintra Infraestructuras from Spain (43.23%), subsidiaries of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (40%) and Montreal-based engineering firm SNC-Lavalin (16.77%).[28] The deal included a 99-year lease agreement with unlimited control over the highway and its tolls, dependent on traffic volume; however, the government maintains the right to build a transit system within the highway right-of-way.[9]"

It was dirty politics that made it happen, sure, but don't kid yourself that a profitable, government-owned 407 would have helped any of us. Look at the LCBO. Taxes still march upwards. The only difference with the license renewal scam would have been the logo at the top of the invoice. People would still be trying to cheat it now too, no difference in the attitude I fear (IIRC, the original plan paid for the highway with 35 years of tolls). Also, I could totally see special provincial fines being applied too--the government hates it when citizens get in the way of their money, so it could be worse.

Funny how upset people remain with the 407 when our liberally (ahem) mismanaged government shovels millions into the hands of private/foreign lending institutions to service our debt. Some of them might even be Spanish--I bet a FOI request would get a chilly response in that case. Response of the electorate? Let's give them a full majority and hope that the jobs Hudak was talking about aren't already on the block. Tsk, tsk, Ontario! A real political junkie I know made the observation of sitting governments in this province: Conservatives stab you in the front, Liberals stab you in the back and the NDP cuts themselves on the knife.
I have 2 transponders and 3 vehicles. You have to register or renew your bike transponder waiver every 2 years.

Those cameras are good. I tailgated a friend both on and off, about a foot or two between his rear wheel and my front and he still received a bill including the video toll charge for the whole trip. In retrospect a pretty stupid thing to do to save him 25 bucks.
Maybe if they weren't the biggest crooks on the planet, people wouldn't find ways to beat the tolls. There's a thought.

I don't agree. I don't fly first class, I don't feel the need to sneak in the either.

Pretend it doesn't exist if you don't like the fees? ?
I'm aware of the history, that doesn't absolve your skirting the fees and potentially ****ing it up for others. You have a choice, and if you choose not to pay then don't use the highway. Fairly straight forward.
How true.
I am a Tier 1 user. (rewards joke for overcharging) my 1,500km + month.

It is definitely different in the Ol West (Mississauga-Halton) lol

OPP will play cat and mouse (speed up, slow, speed up) and then lite em up at 115 from pacing ahead of you).
Lesson-Dont use OPP as pace car or take GTAM advise that its ok to speed 18 over

Drive smart.
+1 my first ticket was for following an officer who played that game with me for 20 mins.

Speed up, slow down, etc. Fuc% ers
I was towing a trailer with my Atv on it. The trailer blocked the rear plate of the truck, I got billed for the trip by my Atv plate which has a plate at the back. I didn't know atv's were allowed to use the 407. The trailer plate is under the trailer bed so it didn't get picked up either.

few years ago my wife's car was stolen, we got a bill when the thief took the 407. We got out of that bill after about 300 phone calls.
Well. A little history on the 407ETR, this was a massive investment of our tax dollars into a highway system that was supposed to relieve traffic from the 401 and generate revenue to help out government costs and relieve the taxpayer over a 40 years period, at least.
Somehow, this plan got derailed when the Mike Harris government sold off the highway in long -term leases to SNC Lavalin, a company now infamous for corruption scandals all over the world. This sale took place just before the 1999 election as the PC realized they were not going to be re-elected. ....

SNC Lavalin only owns 16%, the Canada Pension Plan owns 40% (nice going), but majority is a Spanish company Cintra Infrastructure. The lease (Ontario technically owns it) is currently worth over $10 billion, based on future revenue streams, but was originally leased for 99 years (in 1999) for only $3.1 billion.

It's been labeled the most expensive tollroad in the world. Forget trying to outrun the cameras which freeze motion at light speed (ever see a still picture of a racing Formula 1 car?), just do what I do and don't use it. If everyone did that, costs and its value would come down. Remember businesses charge what people are willing to pay.

Why are we using this facility to enrich Quebec and Spanish investors? This road should never have been leased but maintained by Ontario just like all the other roads, we pay enough gas taxes and other anyway and it would work out much more efficient and cheaper for the public in the long run. The little extra time used in staying off the 407 is well worth it and will bring about change if more people did that.
that's the number for tractor trailers he's confusing it with. if they reach 118 and are Ontario plates, that's the evidence that they don't have a 105km/h limiter.
judging by the average speed seems to be 140 on the 407 I doubt it cars.

Close - it's 115km/hr.
"The little extra time used in staying off the 407 is well worth it and will bring about change if more people did that. "

Sorry, but my time is still worth more than the amount charged at present.
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