How much do you pay for insurance?

I’ve been shopping around for a bit for a bike and some affordable insurance. I’m 24 and living in Brampton and just recently got my M (Sept 2020), I’ve also got 7 points that are due to be reduce down to 0 by the end of this year (rough 3 years).

I got a quote through PC insurance if anyone is looking. Currently only 1200/year on my 2012 Honda Shadow Phantom (first time getting insured).

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Don’t get me started on insurance. My wife had a 2008 Bonneville with an M2 licence , riding for less than 2 seasons and could barely get around the block safely and just wasn’t riding it. We decided to switch it into my name and I would ride it.I’ve been licensed for over 40 years , no tickets, claims or accidents, insured on other bikes the previous 18 years and yet my my insurance premium would have been $75 more than my wife’s. WHAT? I asked .How is that even possible? Same bike,same address,perfect driving record with 18 years continuos insurance history on other larger bikes.I couldn’t get an answer. TD insurance by the way.
For everyone going with Desjardins just because they are cheap, just check online reviews, for when you actually may need to rely on them...

I'm new to riding (June is my 1 year anniversary) I have my M2 with safety course. My M1 I was paying WAY to much (almost $400 a month) after my M2 and safety course it was dropped to roughly $110 a month, not great but better than what i started with. I was stupid and bought my bike with my M1 which insurance companies wouldn't even look at me. the one I found that would insure was insane. Once I finished my course I was on the phone and lowered it. Thank God for MTOhp!!!! My bike is a 2018 Z650 ABS
For everyone going with Desjardins just because they are cheap, just check online reviews, for when you actually may need to rely on them...

For the motorcycle reviews, they were mostly complaints about the rate increases, which as far as I've seen are happening across the board. The one complaint about not receiving feedback during a claim is troubling, but I've never had that experience myself with their auto claims, and I've been through a couple in the last few years (not at fault). Never had a problem with getting a rental car, or with the repair shop of my choice (Luxury Auto Body). The shop did complain a little because they had to fight for me to get all items repaired properly, but that was between them and the adjuster. I suppose a lesser shop would just cave and do a sub-optimal repair.

As for the car reviews, I only read the first screenful, but more of the same as above, plus complaints about agent rudeness. Having been with State Farm since the 80's here's my take on that: When Desjardins took over, the State Farm agents converted to Desjardins agents, so I'm not sure why some people are complaining that their agents suddenly became rude. That said, I'm not surprised there are some very incompetent and/or rude agents out there. I inherited one from living at my parent's place when I first started driving, and wasn't allowed to switch until I moved to an address outside of their "territory". Once I did, the difference was night and day, and I've been a happy with this agent since. I've gotten some pretty useful advice from them over the years on ways to reduce my premiums. Bottom line is, if you don't like he agent, change if you can (not sure if their agents still have territories).
Engine size is definitely a factor when it comes to insurance but not as much as experience, age, and to a lesser extent location. That being said of course there are "blacklisted" bikes (eg GSXR, ZX6R, CBR-RR, YZF R6/R1) that are rated higher but that is more of an issue for newer riders with less than 6 years moto licensed.
The surcharge on these bikes for an experienced rider isn't much but it is always new M2 riders buying those bikes so all you hear is crazy rates. A Suzuki GSXR-600 for ME personally would only be about $950/year. In other words something like a Honda CBR-600RR though just 599 cc will still have a higher rate than a Kawasaki Vulcan 1700. For motocross /off-road bikes its almost the opposite as the smaller they are the less companies can insure it (long story) . Less rate options to compare against is the reason why a Yamaha WR250R might end up having a higher rate (for the ROAD) or around the same as a bigger Kawasaki KLR650.

DM me if you want more info on this.... from an actual RIDER'S perspective

Sorry for the long bump, got a few question, as I'm hoping to be a new rider next spring. but this could all change based on information.

You said Engine Size plays a part, as well as Age. I'm not looking at doing anything crazy with this. I just really want to upgrade from my current Electric Scooter/EBIKE for Daily Commuting (7KM one way), and i was really looking at getting the Honda Ruckus (49.5CC), but after reading all these comments about paying 1000's of $ a year for Insurance, i'm just not sure it's worth it, and i cant find any online Quotes that will let me use a Honda Ruckus, and M2 or even M2L (M-L) licence as inputs.

Realistically, what would i be looking at price wise, for AGE 43 Rider, Honda Ruckus (or similar 50CC, or even 125CC) Scooter/Moped type Motorcycle, and adding to this, does having ONLY a Limited Motorcycle licence (not full M/M2) just M-L, reduce my Insurance cost at all, knowing that i'm not allowed to even drive NON Limited Speed Motorcycles at all.

IF you have any information that could help me make up my mind for next spring, please DM me.


Sorry for the long bump, got a few question, as I'm hoping to be a new rider next spring. but this could all change based on information.

You said Engine Size plays a part, as well as Age. I'm not looking at doing anything crazy with this. I just really want to upgrade from my current Electric Scooter/EBIKE for Daily Commuting (7KM one way), and i was really looking at getting the Honda Ruckus (49.5CC), but after reading all these comments about paying 1000's of $ a year for Insurance, i'm just not sure it's worth it, and i cant find any online Quotes that will let me use a Honda Ruckus, and M2 or even M2L (M-L) licence as inputs.

Realistically, what would i be looking at price wise, for AGE 43 Rider, Honda Ruckus (or similar 50CC, or even 125CC) Scooter/Moped type Motorcycle, and adding to this, does having ONLY a Limited Motorcycle licence (not full M/M2) just M-L, reduce my Insurance cost at all, knowing that i'm not allowed to even drive NON Limited Speed Motorcycles at all.

IF you have any information that could help me make up my mind for next spring, please DM me.


Probably doesn't affect it.

A Grom or other 125 would probably run you $80-120/month for your first year.

At 7 years experience i pay just over $40 for my Grom @39.
Just got my renewal papers and my premium is going up by almost 10 bucks a month for no reason. My life and driving record are exactly the same as last year, I'm just a year older (42). This is BS. *shakes fist*
God I feel blessed to be in my 20's and pay $39/month for a FZ6. Does it ever fly under the radar.

That's about what I pay for my 390 Adventure. But they soak me $1000 a year for my Harley. It's a slo-sauce cruiser, WTH? Insurance cartel is out of control.
That's about what I pay for my 390 Adventure. But they soak me $1000 a year for my Harley. It's a slo-sauce cruiser, WTH? Insurance cartel is out of control.
Parts aren't cheap.
I moved to west Oakville recently and finally my insurance has gone down.
Just got my renewal papers and my premium is going up by almost 10 bucks a month for no reason. My life and driving record are exactly the same as last year, I'm just a year older (42). This is BS. *shakes fist*
When my car premium went up, I asked why as I had zero issues on my driving record. They told me it was due to the population increase in my area.... I now use another insurance company, but expect to see the same thing in a few more years.
Like death and taxes another guarantee seems to be insurance getting more expensive. I’ve accepted that shopping around every couple years is mandatory

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Sorry for the long bump, got a few question, as I'm hoping to be a new rider next spring. but this could all change based on information.

You said Engine Size plays a part, as well as Age. I'm not looking at doing anything crazy with this. I just really want to upgrade from my current Electric Scooter/EBIKE for Daily Commuting (7KM one way), and i was really looking at getting the Honda Ruckus (49.5CC), but after reading all these comments about paying 1000's of $ a year for Insurance, i'm just not sure it's worth it, and i cant find any online Quotes that will let me use a Honda Ruckus, and M2 or even M2L (M-L) licence as inputs.

Realistically, what would i be looking at price wise, for AGE 43 Rider, Honda Ruckus (or similar 50CC, or even 125CC) Scooter/Moped type Motorcycle, and adding to this, does having ONLY a Limited Motorcycle licence (not full M/M2) just M-L, reduce my Insurance cost at all, knowing that i'm not allowed to even drive NON Limited Speed Motorcycles at all.

IF you have any information that could help me make up my mind for next spring, please DM me.


Smaller is cheaper bigger is more. A Honda Grom /Ruckus , etc is at the lowest end of the engine size /CC scale so it would be the lowest rates a new rider can get. I can show you EXACT RATES, just email me at:
Definitely try to do the Rider Training Course THIS year though so you have everything ready to go for next year. Book the normal M2 course (they provide the little 125cc bikes for you to practice on). The M2L course is pointless, costs you the same $$, same 2 day course you have to book except it limits you to 50cc and under which makes no sense.
because the M2L will only limit you to THAT scooter. You cant even move up to a 125cc scooter later on. Without a course you would have to show up to the M2L test with your own insured scooter /bike and you would have to insure it as an M1 which has crazy high rates. The course provides the bikes to practice and test on, and I can get you M2 rates as soon as you pass. You dont even need to wait the 60 days for official M2 status.
because the M2L will only limit you to THAT scooter. You cant even move up to a 125cc scooter later on. Without a course you would have to show up to the M2L test with your own insured scooter /bike and you would have to insure it as an M1 which has crazy high rates. The course provides the bikes to practice and test on, and I can get you M2 rates as soon as you pass. You dont even need to wait the 60 days for official M2 status.

Some people might not be interested in moving up to a higher cc, I would suggest taking a course regardless of what you ride as it's a valuable tool. But I do agree and have always told people it's easier just to get the full M and ride whatever you please.
Just got my renewal letter from Desjardins and surprised to see the rates went down. I was shopping around but I think I'll just stick with them for another year.

Triumph Street 675
Downtown Toronto
Clean Record
Bike stored in private garage
$47/mth ($565 per year)

My car insurance also went down.
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