That weight loss probably makes you look deelish.
He was crushed when he realized I don't swing that way.
That weight loss probably makes you look deelish.
Whores want to gold dig ,love my cars and act like pigs to get a ride, sluts admire it and give you that look that the car is nice but if you aren't fun , have some game and can't back it up with many other traits they aren't into it...Only my wife gets to ride in and drive them and she isn't a whore..
Whores do it for gain,sluts do it for fun
I only clicked on this thread to see your reply, thanks for delivering lol
So you still think girls care about your values or personality or volunteer work or education or family or fitness level or sense of humor or morality or manners or creativity or romance... Stop fooling yourself, get a lot of cash and forge true love, romance loyalty and honor. Use the gold diggers(most women these days) for what they are. Indirect prostitutes. Prostitutes sell their bodies for a direct exchange of cash, Most girls these days sell it for perks, dinners, vacations, gifts and .... Get out of your Disney fairytale image of women and learn their true nature. As a disclaimer though, this ABSOLUTELY does not apply to ALL women in our North American capitalistic money is everything society. Just to most!
you are welcome
No anal content? Running a fever? GWS
No anal content? Running a fever? GWS
I was waiting for you to post and that brought us the anal content!! Boom!!
Yer welcome gibberish Elvis
how much do men care about getting laid? they buy these things to impress...
how much do men care about getting laid? they buy these things to impress...
Id even jump in if a dude asked. Guess I'm a gay manwhore.
Its a Ferrari!!