How is the M2 exit test emergency stop done?


Well-known member
I have my M2 exit scheduled for Monday and I just want to know what is the procedure to accomplish an emergency stop that is required on the test. I have read a few older posts but I don't recall one giving the specific steps needed to accomplish the task. Any help would be appreciated.

Signal and pull over to the shoulder when safe to do so, put bike in neutral, shut down and take hands off the bars or dismount if required by the examiner. Nothing spectacular. Reverse the order and signal re-entry to roadway. Shoulder check.
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For the M2 Exit there is no emergency stop that is required. The test, done on the road, includes placing an ear bud in while riding. The evaluator will lead you through components of residential, business and highways. While riding you will be asked to safely make lane changes, right turns, left turns as well as a road side stop. The evaluator will ask you to enter a highway, make a lane change, and than exit a highway.

Emphasis is placed on your awareness of the surroundings, as well ensuring that you are riding in the proper lane/blocking location. Checking your mirrors must be done about every 6-10 seconds... Scan all your driveways into and out of Churches, rec centres and gas stations/tim hortons. While entering into an intersection scan to ensure it is safe to go through and do not forget to signal, or cancel signal after making your turns.

Follow all the HTA rules of the road, ride safe and interact with traffic being aware of everything that is going on around you and I am sure that you will do fine. Try to avoid an "emergency stop," however be mindful of traffic signals. I am sure you will do just fine.

Good luck and post back with your results! Hope that this helps.
Doug - you sure about that???? Not like an 'emergency stop jam on the brakes' but more 'I'm in trouble and need to safely get parked on the side of the road'.

Double J has it imo, but I thought that 4 way flashers were required too
For the M2 Exit there is no emergency stop that is required.

Everyone I know who has done the M2 Exit through the MTO has been required to do an emergency stop.
Double J's procedure is pretty much bang on, except that I would say that you should activate 4 way flashers (if your bike has them), dismount and step to the curb away from traffic to avoid any demerits. Some testers may be a little lax on this, but at the beginning of the test, he told me to do everything he asks to full completion.
Doug i think your wrong......Now correct me if i am wrong People M2 doest even have ear bud in while riding. This goes back years now for me but we had like 10 bikes doing the test that day.. we did a In parking lot test, braking ect..then we all headed out to some parking lot(major intersection) . we all had to go 1 at a time and the tester guy stood at the intersection watching us come down the street to the lights, we had to turn left at the lights, then turn around in a parking lot a couple hundred feet away, safely merge back onto the road and repeat step 1........this gave the tester a good view of tire lane, intersection lane and change ect...
yer wrong - there is an ear bud and they are being followed by the examiner
People are just confusing the names, the M2X road test contains a roadside stop... the M1X test contains an emergency stop.

Roadside stop performed as noted above with the caveat regarding activating your 4-ways if equipped.
Heres what i did for the mergency stop. (SKIP TO 4:27 ish)

[video=youtube;TuNKQtf5SB0] 7s[/video]

1. Signal
2. Checks
3. Pull over to the side
4. Kickstand + kill switch
5. Get off
6. Get on
7. Start bike
8. Signal out
9. Shoulder check
10. Proceed.
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I just did it 2 weeks ago.

He will garble something in your ear, you'll catch words "emergency" and "when possible" and realize he wants you to pull over.

Over shoulder check, signal, over shoulder check again, pull up to the curb PARALLEL to it, leave right turn signal on, OR put on your 4 ways if the bike has it, Kickstand down, turn handlebars to the left, engine off and dismount. Upon completion, remount, bike on, kickstand up, over shoulder check, signal left, over shoulder check again and merge into traffic.

Doing it this way got me zero demerit points.
I just did it 2 weeks ago.

He will garble something in your ear, you'll catch words "emergency" and "when possible" and realize he wants you to pull over.

Over shoulder check, signal, over shoulder check again, pull up to the curb PARALLEL to it, leave right turn signal on, OR put on your 4 ways if the bike has it, Kickstand down, turn handlebars to the left, engine off and dismount. Upon completion, remount, bike on, kickstand up, over shoulder check, signal left, over shoulder check again and merge into traffic.

Doing it this way got me zero demerit points.

^^^ Good to know...tnx.
Leaving your right turn signal on is misleading when doing a roadside stop. I believe the MTO has recently changed its stance on that -- if your bike has 4-way flashers, you need to have them on. However, if it does not, after you shut down the bike you also turn off the signal.
Did mine 3 weeks ago in Brampton.

All I did was
1)Signal to the right
2)Check blind spot
3)Parallel park
4)gear in Neutral
5)Left blinker on and engine off.
6)Walked to the curb beside my bike.

then he'll tell you to get back to the bike.

1) hop on the bike.
2) turn engine
3) signal
4) blind spot
5)then go

They wont make you stop on the main street I believe. They ask me to this in a residential street.
watch out for Fire hydrants on the opposit side of the street lol.
Leaving your right turn signal on is misleading when doing a roadside stop. I believe the MTO has recently changed its stance on that -- if your bike has 4-way flashers, you need to have them on. However, if it does not, after you shut down the bike you also turn off the signal.

You have to leave your signal on.
The bike needs to be visible for "Emergency stop"
Did mine 3 weeks ago in Brampton.

All I did was
1)Signal to the right
2)Check blind spot
3)Parallel park
4)gear in Neutral
5)Left blinker on and engine off.
6)Walked to the curb beside my bike.

then he'll tell you to get back to the bike.

1) hop on the bike.
2) turn engine
3) signal
4) blind spot
5)then go

They wont make you stop on the main street I believe. They ask me to this in a residential street.
watch out for Fire hydrants on the opposit side of the street lol.

So I guess you went to the First Gulf Blvd. location? That is where I am taking mine on Monday afternoon.
Damned, looks like I might have to use my Frogg Togg jacket today. The examiner might even take it a bit easier on the marking because of the wet weather.......:D

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