How is the M2 exit test emergency stop done?

Is the MTO M2 exit test any different from the Humber College/RTI etc M2 exit test? I know the M1 exit is different for MTO and when given privately through the weekend course.
Well, I am officially a GM now!. Wish I was earning GM wages as well...LOL

I only made one mistake on the roadside stop and that was because I left my right blinker on. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE 4-WAY FLASHERS THEN YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEAVE YOUR BLINKER ON.

And make sure you exaggerate hour head movements. I also got dinged for not keeping 2-3 seconds distance on the 410, but I thought I was fine as traffic was only going about 80KPH anyways, but the tester thought otherwise.

Just before my test was to start, the rider before me came back. Poor guy didn't make it. He was riding a Newer Katana (blue & white). He was kind of REALLY ****** off.

I'm just glad I made it. Now to open a beer and go for a ride ............:D
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Well, I am officially a GM now!. Wish I was earning GM wages as well...LOL

I only made one mistake on the roadside stop and that was because I left my right blinker on. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE 4-WAY FLASHERS THEN YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEAVE YOUR BLINKER ON.

And make sure you exaggerate hour head movements. I also got dinged for not keeping 2-3 seconds distance on the 410, but I thought I was fine as traffic was only going about 80KPH anyways, but the tester thought otherwise.

Just before my test was to start, the rider before me came back. Poor guy didn't make it. He was riding a Newer Katana (blue & white). He was kind of REALLY ****** off.

I'm just glad I made it. Now to open a beer and go for a ride ............:D

Es egeszsegedre! :)
Couple dumb questions, as I'm heading out for my M2X tomorrow in Burlington. Do they care if you wear a Jacket? It's gonna be hot as hell and I find my ICON makes obvious shoulder checks a pain in the butt, and Do you need to do a pre trip inspection on the bike or can you throw leg over it and go?

You are only required to wear a DOT approved helmet, so you can run without a jacket if you like.
They do a pre-ride inspection to check your signals, front/rear brake lights, horn, and if there's anything visually wrong with the bike that would be a hazard.

Couple dumb questions, as I'm heading out for my M2X tomorrow in Burlington. Do they care if you wear a Jacket? It's gonna be hot as hell and I find my ICON makes obvious shoulder checks a pain in the butt, and Do you need to do a pre trip inspection on the bike or can you throw leg over it and go?

Just make sure you tell the examiner that you don't have 4-ways otherwise you will loose mark like I did . . . .
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Did mine 3 weeks ago in Brampton.

All I did was
1)Signal to the right
2)Check blind spot
3)Parallel park
4)gear in Neutral
5)Left blinker on and engine off.
6)Walked to the curb beside my bike.

then he'll tell you to get back to the bike.

1) hop on the bike.
2) turn engine
3) signal
4) blind spot
5)then go

They wont make you stop on the main street I believe. They ask me to this in a residential street.
watch out for Fire hydrants on the opposit side of the street lol.

I turned my engine off, then turned the key to the "P" position of the ignition and removed the key while getting of the bike.
In this position, the headlight is OFF, but the marker lights, license plate light and four-way flashers are all ON as you step to the curb with your key in hand.
Nicely visible to vehicles approaching from any direction.
Couple dumb questions, as I'm heading out for my M2X tomorrow in Burlington. Do they care if you wear a Jacket? It's gonna be hot as hell and I find my ICON makes obvious shoulder checks a pain in the butt, and Do you need to do a pre trip inspection on the bike or can you throw leg over it and go?


You only need to wear what is required by the law, and thats a helmet that meets the standards in Ontario. No jacket, gloves, boots. You should be wearing this things, but as its not a law, they cannot deduct or refuse or fail you without them.
I just did my course and test. There is a roadside stop which is as easy as it sounds but no emergency stop.

Here's how they taught us to do it:

1. check your mirrors
2. signal
3. begin braking
4. do a shoulder check
5. pull over
6. put it in neutral
7. put kickstand down
8. put on 4-ways if you have them (you will get a ding if they know your bike has them and you only use the turn signal instead of the 4 ways)
9. get off the bike slightly to show it is supporting itself
10. get back on
11. check mirrors
12. Turn off 4-ways
13. Start signalling
14. Start going straight slowly
15. Check mirrors and do shoulder check
16. Pull into proper tire track
17. turn off turn signal
18. go on your merry way and know you just did the roadside stop without getting any dings
Leaving your right turn signal on is misleading when doing a roadside stop. I believe the MTO has recently changed its stance on that -- if your bike has 4-way flashers, you need to have them on. However, if it does not, after you shut down the bike you also turn off the signal.

You have to leave your signal on.
The bike needs to be visible for "Emergency stop"

I only made one mistake on the roadside stop and that was because I left my right blinker on. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE 4-WAY FLASHERS THEN YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEAVE YOUR BLINKER ON.

Again, if your bike is not equipped with 4-way flashers, it's best to turn your signal off after you stop.
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