How far did you go this season?

Basic stuff for bike prep:

Extra crap to carry
- purchased extra parts: levers, clutch cable, shifter, light bulbs, brake pads
- maintenance items: chain wax, chain cleaning stuff, 2 oil filters, 1 spare air filter
- full tool kit
- emergency kit: tire kit (valve stems + valve caps + valve stem removal thing + patch kit), first aid kit, flares, glow sticks, flashlight, emergency blanket, candles, flint lighter, pocket knife, compass, fuses, radio

Basic bike checkup:
- Check sprockets wear / chain stretch
- Check brake pads wear
- Check tire wear (I opted to replace my worn rear tire part-way through the trip in Regina. Tires are expensive in Regina..... $420 to have a Dunlop Roadsmart installed!!)
- Threadlock & torque to spec any bolt that would **** you over if lost

The only real changes I made to my SV for the trip were heavier bar end weights and a taller windscreen. That ***** is a tug boat, no special treatment required :)

Each there own. But all that extra 'stuff' to carry sure takes away some of the 'adventure' for me.

I take a tire repair plug kit with co2 cartridges, sharp pocket knife, thin small led flashlight, an extra wrench/allen key that may not be in the bike's toolkit, plastic tie-wraps, industial strength velcro, chain lube, 2 rags & couple bandaids. Point bike in correct direction and ride!

Of course the tires, bearngs, brakes, chain & sprockets, air filter and lights are checked and replaced as needed before I hit the open road. Lube clutch and throttle cables. Oil and filter changed.
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Multiple bikes so it all adds up. In the past year
12,000 km including 2 separate weeks at Deals Gap on my 2007 cbr125 (total just over 40,000 on it now)
2,000ish on my zx10r (mostly back and forth from the drag strip, I don't ride it on the street much - too overkill - 67k total on the bike)
2,000ish on my spare FZR400 (54k total)
Unknown on my race FZR400 but it included 8 race weekends and 2 track days this year
800ish km on the 2011 cbr125 that I just got.
Hmmmm - carry kit for Burgman 650....spare key and factory toolkit - needed neither one -
- 45,000 km on two Burgman 650s...
Oh sorry - needed the screw driver to take the tupperware cover off to top off the oil on the James bay trip. :D
There and back again. A throttle rocker does come in handy.

That is too cool, but I'm curious what is the luggage secured to and how does it not fall over or collapse?

Not too much for me this year, about 18k km total. A weekend trip to Deals Gap, one to New York, a lot of commuting, and a few short trips here and there.
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Each there own. But all that extra 'stuff' to carry sure takes away some of the 'adventure' for me.

I take a tire repair plug kit with co2 cartridges, sharp pocket knife, thin small led flashlight, an extra wrench/allen key that may not be in the bike's toolkit, plastic tie-wraps, industial strength velcro, chain lube, 2 rags & couple bandaids. Point bike in correct direction and ride!

Of course the tires, bearngs, brakes, chain & sprockets, air filter and lights are checked and replaced as needed before I hit the open road. Lube clutch and throttle cables. Oil and filter changed.

Agreed. I'm at my most prepared and dangerous when all I have packed for a few days of riding is a change of boxers and a pack of condoms.
Regarding rockers, could they be used to as a replacement for two finger on brake and other two for throttle control technique? Could I put all my fingers on the brake and use my palm for throttle control?
in theory yes - but depends on your throttle ratio. a fast turn throttle might allow but you would have to get the rocker adjusted just right.
They do save hands....can't believe you did 780 km that day in Quebec with a 2x4 for a seat and no cruise control or throttle rocker.....u crazy man.
Hey hey fellow local! Where did you get the rocker? I've been wondering about them and how well they work etc....

Hey Local Bud, I don't think they are a forum sponsor but 2 wheel in Guelph carries them. Rockers really come in handy that last 2 hrs before the next Timmies stop i.e. leaving the 'Peg and pushing to the Timmies in Brandon.

"That is too cool, but I'm curious what is the luggage secured to and how does it not fall over or collapse?"

Hey Bud 2, With 20 bungee cords holding most of the kit in place, no problem there and back again. Even at 180 km/hr, which is the speed limit across the prairies, I've never lost anything off the back that couldn't be replaced at the MEC in Calgary. The BMW comes with those 4 short nylon loops which are available under the passenger seat, use those 4 anchor points to secure the bulker items, i.e. beer, with the lighter junk on top and Bob's your uncle in Tofino. One heads-up, keep smaller bits of kit in 1 larger compress sack that way there's a good chance they'll be available at the next stop i.e. Lake Superior Provincial Park. Oh, at the top have the waterproofs available, good thing it never rains when you're on vacation. Cheers
i only got about 25k this year and i consider it personally one of my worst years of riding ... I'm usually in the 40's
First place in April....but he was creepy so I ended it. All the way in May ;) So now Oh.


Carry on.
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