How far did you go this season?

21,000k split between two bikes. 16,000 on an ST1300 and 5,000 on a gsx650f. All on weekends and 5 weeks holidays and no commuting.
You guys are hardcore. I did 6,500 kms. I worked a lot of OT this year, and battled some mech issues with the bike.

Hoping for even more riding and mileage next season.
Hahah, I feel ya too bud! (tail between legs)
I've gotta ramp it up next season and do something awesome!

Jeebus! That's more than the kms on my bike and it's been through 2 people! lolz
How was the ride to BC? How did you prepare for it? I'm thinking doing that in the next 3 years. I just can't wait to ride through the Rockies. It would be simply amazing! Although, for the Praries, I might need a throttle hold(?: the thing that keeps the throttle in place) How'd you make that leg of your journey more interesting?

Northern Ontario = awesome. Calgary + BC = awesome. Prairies = boring as ****. Most of the prairies I spent singing to myself or just providing dialogue to the ride aloud. Frequent stops can be frustrating if you're trying to make good distance but are absolutely key in order to maintain your concentration & alertness.

My only prep was riding with full luggage the week before the trip to get used to the weight.
20,000km+ between two bikes and thats with about 2 months of downtime.
I put about 12,000km on the Ninja 250R this season prior to parttimer taking it over; 17,000km on the Ninja 650R prior to trading in for the V-Strom, and so far about 2,000km or so on that bike. So totalling in around 31,000km so far -- still riding, though not sure for how much later into the year.

That said, next year I expect to likely do anywhere from 40-60k, maybe more depending on how much touring I get into with the Wee. :P
22,500 kms
Not a bad summer
Dragon 2 times and Cabot Trail
looking forward to Denver next year
~23,000 km's total betweeen 2 bikes. 1st 3,000 in Florida 2 weeks (1st week was Bike Week).
No riding to work or doing errands. All weekends and evenings for pleasure :D.

Years ago I once rode a return trip non-stop from Medicine Hat, Alberta (about 2 hours east of Calgary) to Toronto. Well actually I stopped and slept for an hour on top of a moss covered rock this side of Sudbury until an ant crawling on my ear woke me up. 3,200 kms total one way. Preparation initially before heading west consisted mostly of a couple ~ 500 km local rides to tenderize the arse, and lots of thought towards packing and what I actually needed to take along so as to travel as light as possible. I really did not take a lot of stuff. Sportbike with a tank bag and to medium size soft saddle bags. Today maybe 1 tankbag and one similar size bag on the rear seat.

Salt on my roads now or I would still be riding.

Next year, Gap & area? East coast Cabot Trail? Blue Mountains? Mount Washington? 1 or 2 of these for sure. Returns to Pennsylvania and Lake Placid/Vermont area for next year are decided already with 1, possibly 2, other new riders that I met this year.

Riding is therapeutic!
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How do you like living in Calgary? I visited for the first time this summer and really liked the vibe. First contact was with a Honda Ruckus scooter gang in a gas station lol

Really like it so far. Lots of nice riding, especially through Kananaskis, but we've taken the bikes to Banff and Lake Louise as well. There seems to be more bikes here than in Ontario, especially on the back roads at the weekend - lots of waving. I have a few videos on Youtube under the same username if you're interested, including the last ride in the snow :-)

Haven't spent too much time in the city yet, but that will change when I start working soon. It seems pretty compact, lots of nice restaurants, and the beef is fantastic. No complaints about the move yet, though it is starting to get colder.....

16,000 km this year, more next year. Bike is away for the winter here in Edmonton. Planning on a few trips next year, at least 1 trip to to Hyder, Alaska

Really like it so far. Lots of nice riding, especially through Kananaskis, but we've taken the bikes to Banff and Lake Louise as well. There seems to be more bikes here than in Ontario, especially on the back roads at the weekend - lots of waving. I have a few videos on Youtube under the same username if you're interested, including the last ride in the snow :-)

Haven't spent too much time in the city yet, but that will change when I start working soon. It seems pretty compact, lots of nice restaurants, and the beef is fantastic. No complaints about the move yet, though it is starting to get colder.....


Got to Edmonton July 1st. You are right about riding in the mountains, it's great.

Northern Ontario = awesome. Calgary + BC = awesome. Prairies = boring as ****. Most of the prairies I spent singing to myself or just providing dialogue to the ride aloud.
My only prep was riding with full luggage the week before the trip to get used to the weight.

Hahaha! I could totally see myself singing and making funny noises to keep myself amused. Thankfully my pipe is loud enough so cagers beside me won't hear me XD
Maybe I'll put a bunch of movies in my tank bag n just listen to them and have it playing underneath my face.

How 'bout Bike prep though? It's such a long trip, I could imagine it'd really stress the bike out.
Hahaha! I could totally see myself singing and making funny noises to keep myself amused. Thankfully my pipe is loud enough so cagers beside me won't hear me XD
Maybe I'll put a bunch of movies in my tank bag n just listen to them and have it playing underneath my face.

How 'bout Bike prep though? It's such a long trip, I could imagine it'd really stress the bike out.

Basic stuff for bike prep:

Extra crap to carry
- purchased extra parts: levers, clutch cable, shifter, light bulbs, brake pads
- maintenance items: chain wax, chain cleaning stuff, 2 oil filters, 1 spare air filter
- full tool kit
- emergency kit: tire kit (valve stems + valve caps + valve stem removal thing + patch kit), first aid kit, flares, glow sticks, flashlight, emergency blanket, candles, flint lighter, pocket knife, compass, fuses, radio

Basic bike checkup:
- Check sprockets wear / chain stretch
- Check brake pads wear
- Check tire wear (I opted to replace my worn rear tire part-way through the trip in Regina. Tires are expensive in Regina..... $420 to have a Dunlop Roadsmart installed!!)
- Threadlock & torque to spec any bolt that would **** you over if lost

The only real changes I made to my SV for the trip were heavier bar end weights and a taller windscreen. That ***** is a tug boat, no special treatment required :)
22k ish- over two bikes - best long run was The James Bay road - couple of 1000k days in that.


No US riding at all this year but some in Quebec and N Ontario and more of that to come next year....really some good stuff to explore in Quebec.


James Bay ride with a caribou running in the bush beside me.
Freezing my butt off on a Quebec ride - tenting at 5 degrees.


But good fun - see ya next year. Off to Aus next month - might treat myself to a rental.
nothing to be proud of.
only abt 5K for me. 2K on the VF. 3k on Sv. longest ride for me was towards muskoka. 600km round trip.
next year hopefully will be doing a lot of 600 to 1000km day trips.
Between the 4 bikes I owned this season and the 2 my girlfriend did, probably only 16,000 km and counting. Dad was in the hospital so I didn't get any good out of town rides in, that was all basically in Toronto.
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