How far (backwards) we've come

Rob MacLennan

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I was listening to talk radio, on my way home from work yesterday, and one particular discussion gave me a serious case of mental whiplash. They interviewed a woman who is pushing to have schools allow children, who are found to have lice, continue to go to school while they still have them. Her rationale is that you can't catch anything from someone who has lice, except lice. She also cited how the American CDC supports this and how other countries do it. Because of this she said that it was selfish of other people to put children in a situation that stigmatizes them, for having lice.



She also said that one morning, when her daughter was getting ready for school, she say that she was scratching her head a lot and didn't look at it,herself, because she knew that she would have to keep her home. Wilful blindness.

To me, this is indicative of the way that our society is going, these days.
Delousing could become a public service. First they line up, then strip, the clothes are burnt, and they are treated and hosed off.

Wait a second, that sounds a bit like WW1.

I agree, it's a joke, right?
One retard calls in and voices her silly opinion, and this represents all of society?

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I sleep well at night knowing that everyone eventually dies. (some hopefully sooner than others)

Warm fuzzy feelings.
She wasn't a caller. She was being interviewed, and about half the callers agreed with her.

...because they didn't want the prospect of having to stay home and look after their lousey (ha ha) offspring.

Selfish behaviour on a par with that sick person coughing up a lung who insists on coming to work and spreading it to everyone else.

The world is full of selfish assclowns....more than before it seems.
On a similar note, wasn't there a mother from stoney creek recently rallying to have penut butter (or similar) banned at the school because her kid was allergic?

I can't, so therefore ALL of you can't, mentality.
We've already lost the peanut battle in public schools. Peanut products have been banned for years.
There's a guy around now, trying to find a way to keep his loud pipe. ;)
There's a guy around now, trying to find a way to keep his loud pipe. ;)

That's not completely accurate. It's a borderline situation. Outcome is not guaranteed.
On a similar note, wasn't there a mother from stoney creek recently rallying to have penut butter (or similar) banned at the school because her kid was allergic?

I can't, so therefore ALL of you can't, mentality.

Peanut butter is already banned and home made goodies as well because they might contain peanuts. Kirpans are OK. However you might be thinking of the Vaughan mother that wanted the oak trees cut down because her kids were allergic to acorns. The kids were teenagers.
On a similar note, wasn't there a mother from stoney creek recently rallying to have penut butter (or similar) banned at the school because her kid was allergic?

I can't, so therefore ALL of you can't, mentality.

Lice vs life threatening peanut allergy, yup, that's the same.............Talk about apples to oranges.
Lice vs life threatening peanut allergy, yup, that's the same.............Talk about apples to oranges.

And one person having an effect on everyone else vs. everyone else having an effect on one, for something that can't be controlled. Also not quite the same.
And one person having an effect on everyone else vs. everyone else having an effect on one, for something that can't be controlled. Also not quite the same.

Not the same because in one case it's easy to keep the kid home, de-louse them, and return them to school. In the other case the child's life is threatened. There is no harm in a PB&J kid eating them at home because there are numerous alternatives they can eat at school. PS, if a child dies do you think it might have an effect on "everyone else"?

There are many other solutions to the peanut allergy problem as well including simply ensuring that those parents who push to allow peanuts in school also are criminally liable for murder if their childs peanuts kill another child.

Oh wait, said parents want their "rights" but of course don't want the responsibility that comes with it, kinda sounds like your OP mother.

While we're at it, let's also do the following:

1. Raise speed limits around school zones, I'm mean, who wants to be inconvenienced and have to slow down just because there are kids running around, just because your kid might be stupid enough to run out on the road doesn't mean I should have to slow down......
2. Eliminate crossing guards and yard monitors cuz I don't want to pay taxes for these expensive people just because some want their kids to be safe while transporting their PB&J's
3. Arm the peanut allergy kids so at least they can fight back with a life threatening implement of their own, I mean, why should the PB&J kids have all the power?

I can feed my kids whatever I'd like at home, I have nooooo problem sending them to school without PB&J's. They've done just fine for years, as are 10's of thousands of other kids each and every school day.
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