you shouldn't be touching your clutch at all in these situations.
pulling in the clutch is actually causing a no-decel condition, which would be the same as maintaining throttle, but with the clutch in, the bike will be more difficult to control(bikes turn better under power than then do with no power)
you can achieve the same result by rolling on the throttle, you should not be coasting through turns, when you are off the brakes, you should be back on the gas, even if it is simply maintenance throttle(slightly cracked, on real drive forward)
pulling in the clutch is actually causing a no-decel condition, which would be the same as maintaining throttle, but with the clutch in, the bike will be more difficult to control(bikes turn better under power than then do with no power)
you can achieve the same result by rolling on the throttle, you should not be coasting through turns, when you are off the brakes, you should be back on the gas, even if it is simply maintenance throttle(slightly cracked, on real drive forward)