How do you react when......

油井緋色;1749826 said:
I don't know rinomato1 nor do I think I'm even near his age, and he seems to be a cruiser rider instead of a sport rider but...

Holy **** I think you guys are just jealous. The only reason why we have **** drivers is because half of us are passive and never speak up for idiots doing things. But I suppose that's human nature and I notice it at work and class all the time; probably explains why it doesn't take much effort to become a leader.

油井緋色;1749826 said:
I don't know rinomato1 nor do I think I'm even near his age, and he seems to be a cruiser rider instead of a sport rider but...

Holy **** I think you guys are just jealous. The only reason why we have **** drivers is because half of us are passive and never speak up for idiots doing things. But I suppose that's human nature and I notice it at work and class all the time; probably explains why it doesn't take much effort to become a leader.

You got me.. I am jealous! I want a SOA hoodie and a crew too...
this crew sounds like fun. how do i become a member of this crew. do i have to ride a HOG and wear baggie jeans? i guess you meet up and watch SOA together. that sounds like great night of fun to me. after watching SOA we can show off our new skull bandanas and wallet chains. so where do i pick up an application form?
As it would be inappropriate to insult the OP, I'll make a comment in general, that I believe that anyone that would condone such behavior is a fool. Also I don't believe this story to be true.

I've gotten revved up on the road and never been tempted to get off my bike and bang my helmet against someones windshield (isn't this what we are trying to avoid?)
Nice, i hope this doesn't count as an assault. You never ******g know what constitutes an assault with these ****** laws.

Those who aren't ignorant do know. Rather than making stupid comments about something that is pretty well legally defined.
The only surprise there, is that you don't hold classes :lol:

That one time, the guy actually impacts my bike with his car, and I never hear the end of me losing my cool for a few seconds! LOL

I am normally a very diplomatic person, but actually getting bumped (purposely by a cager for zero reason) set me off. AND I was fresh out of the Marines, which tends to make you a bit more volitile.

I have lot's of excuses. :D
I guess you've never heard of Vladamir Rigenco, boasting online about illegal activites is not very smart...

A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a cock. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Mother****er!!.
That one time, the guy actually impacts my bike with his car, and I never hear the end of me losing my cool for a few seconds! LOL

I am normally a very diplomatic person, but actually getting bumped (purposely by a cager for zero reason) set me off. AND I was fresh out of the Marines, which tends to make you a bit more volitile.

I have lot's of excuses. :D

I think that you never hear the end of it, because you don't brag about it like so many others. You actually pretty much kept it to yourself ;)
I think that you never hear the end of it, because you don't brag about it like so many others. You actually pretty much kept it to yourself ;)

As much as I find listening to these stories entertaining I am not going to advocate a path that has a high probability of getting us hurt or killed. Especially when the car driver likely wasn't TRYING to endanger us. People get stupid and make mistakes (ALL of us) at times. It doesn't mean we should get the snot beaten out of us.
I used to carry jelly beans in my pockets to throw at people who weren't paying attention or cut me off... Makes noise, doesn't leave any damage, and who's gonna tell the cops someone threw jelly beans at them?

just don't let Office Bubble see you. That's a 5 to 10 sentence minimum according to his rules.
As much as I find listening to these stories entertaining I am not going to advocate a path that has a high probability of getting us hurt or killed. Especially when the car driver likely wasn't TRYING to endanger us. People get stupid and make mistakes (ALL of us) at times. It doesn't mean we should get the snot beaten out of us.

Which is, again, why you get bugged about it. It ain't really 'you' :lol:
As much as I find listening to these stories entertaining I am not going to advocate a path that has a high probability of getting us hurt or killed. Especially when the car driver likely wasn't TRYING to endanger us. People get stupid and make mistakes (ALL of us) at times. It doesn't mean we should get the snot beaten out of us.

And that's how I know you guys didn't have Asian parents <_<
Look, I don't normally go around and do that stuff. I mean it takes alot to piss me off. I nearly downed the bike and could have been injured or worse killed because of someones reckless behaviour!
great story i have an ICON vest for you !!!!
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