How about that

I think you have say. You can choose not to be vaccinated, just like you can choose not to wear a seatbelt. In the former, you give up privileges of being in close proximity to others, and access places that inherently require close contact. On the latter you give up the privilege of driving.

As for a line, there is one - it's all there in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, try Section 7, part of Canada's Constitution.

Also remember in a democracy, the will of the state can be changed by its members.

The vaxx program is "probably" the correct course of action medically, but why then has it become so politically charged?
'Could it be the heavy handed approach taken by pretty much all governments..?
We went from "Horray we have a vaccine for this virus, lets get it out there" to "Get vaccinated or else we will make your life miserable" in about a week.... And lots of people are all for it.
I mean if people need to be strong armed into compliance... Doesn't that say something..?
These measures are akin to a creeping barrage... Relentless and sure to be tried again down the road with far less noble ends in mind.

As far as the Charter... 'Not worth the paper it's written on. Especially section 7
How do they think they're going to enforce "mandatory"?

They could make life increasingly more difficult for the unvaccinated by, let's say, actually enforcing the QR-code proof of vaccination for various activities that they already have in place.

If someone crawls into their basement and stays there, there really isn't a way that they could force them to get vaccinated ... and, if they're holed up in their basement, they're not really a hazard anyhow. There shouldn't really be a problem with that.

I've been hearing complaints from unvaccinated people that they're being treated like second-class citizens, that life is being made difficult for them, etc. and you know what the response should be? "GOOD. That's the whole idea. If you don't want to get treated like that, then join the other 90% of adults and get yourself vaccinated. Your choice. Either that, or remain unvaccinated and stay holed up away from the rest of society."

Another tinder box is whether the goverment has the right to protect the children of anti vaxxers by jabbing them against the wishes of the parents. Home schooling provides education by very biased teachers.
If nothing else this last two years just proves, for better or worse, like it or not...
You do not have ANY say regarding your own person...
Its going to get worse...
Today it's this virus/vaccine thing...
Tomorrow it'll be political affiliation or done other issue

There is no line drawn between the will of the state and the individual.

100% aligned with you.
I will be genuinely shocked if we ever return to the way things are.

One of the primary reasons I even agreed to get injected was seeing how Israel was going about it.
They are already planning for the fourth shot now lol: Covid-19: Israel plans to give fourth dose of vaccine to over-60s
Another tinder box is whether the goverment has the right to protect the children of anti vaxxers by jabbing them against the wishes of the parents. Home schooling provides education by very biased teachers.

And in about 30 yrs we will give all those children 40 billion dollars , and cry a bit in the apologies. Even though at the time in history it seemed the best plan of action and the right thing to do .
Oh wait, that was residential schools . Never mind .

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So how many doses is everyone here willing to get before they admit that the vaccine doesn’t work as advertised ?

It works EXACTLY as advertised - even for the new variant although with somewhat less efficiacy - but it still works.

The phase 3 trials were never about "preventing infection" - NEVER. The tests were all about the efficacy "against severe disease", i.e. ending up in hospital, ICU, or dying.

And it is not secret ... health authorities the world over have been keeping track of the vaccination status of patients ending up with various outcomes. Here's Ontario's (and this gets updated every week):

This chart covers the entire pandemic from the date the first vaccination was given ... bear that in mind when looking at the charts that total up the entire pandemic. But ...

Take a look at Figure 2. That's for "confirmed cases". Keep in mind that the shaded area at the very end may not be "confirmed final data" - and we also have to keep in mind that as of a couple of weeks ago, the number of cases outstripped our ability to keep up with testing. And they state this - it's no secret - see note 2 at the bottom of the page. Still ... much lower case rate for those with full vaccination.

Now look at Figure 5. That's only for the last 30 days ... mostly omicron.

Then look at Figure 6 which breaks it down by age group. All the dashed lines are unvaccinated, all the solid lines are vaccinated. Hmm, all the solid lines are below all the dashed lines.

But those were just "cases". Then there's hospitalisations. Look at Figure 7. That's a rather large discrepancy between unvaccinated and vaccinated.

Deaths? See figure 8b.

I have to say, Public Health Ontario does a really good job of tracking all this.
So how many doses is everyone here willing to get before they admit that the vaccine doesn’t work as advertised ?
It works as stated. Similarly, insulin doesn't cure diabetes. It just lets diabetics live fairly normal lives. Brushing your teeth doesn't guarantee no cavities, just a lot fewer. Not smoking doesn't guarantee you won't get lung cancer. It just reduces the chances. A healthy weight doesn't guarantee you won't have a heart attack, just a reduced risk of croaking at 55. Etc Etc.

We change our engine oil when it wears out so why not our meds? As they develop better oils the change frequency decreases. Same with meds.
That's what some don't seen to get......the vax isn't to prevent you from getting Covid, it's to keep you out of the hospital.

I've never gotten the flu shot....but I will get the vax as needed.

And masking is to prevent you from spreading it/Covid. If it was to protect yourself, you'd see a lot less anti maskers.
I'll take a jab as often as necessary to keep me out of the hospital. And you?
No, I wouldn’t. I’ve had COVID and for me it wasn’t that bad.I think natural immunity is as good or better than a vaccine. Your results may vary. I don’t feel that I pose any more risk to anyone than a vaccinated person would otherwise I would get vaccinated. Not an anti vaxxer,just pro choice. I have yet to meet an anti vaxxer that everyone is demonising but I’ve met a lot a of people that are exercising their choice and are respectful of everyone else’s.For the record I’ve spent one night in a hospital in the last 45 years so the odds of me taking up one of those beds is pretty slim.
Any province that imposes mandatory vaccination will have a charter challenge on their hands very quickly. If I had to guess, Quebec will be the first one to try it. The feds could also quasi impose it by denying healthcare transfer payments to provinces that don't do it, but that may or may not be political suicide.
@Riceburner why would you get multiple doses of the Covid-19 vaccine but not the flu vaccine? I, like @Bobo have had omicron, and it honestly wasn't any worse than your typical flu...I had a fever, chills, cough, sore throat and stuffy nose for about 5 days...nothing fact, 15 people in my family (and no, I didn't see them over the holidays so it wasn't me that infected them) have also had it in the last few weeks...they range in age from 7 to 78 and are either single dosed (the younger ones under 12 of which there are 5) to fully vaccinated (my siblings) to unvaccinated (my nephew and his girlfriend)...I'm fully vaccinated and wore double masks and shield while at work (for those of you who don't know, I'm a grade 2 teacher) and STILL got it...and yes, I know the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting Covid-19, just keeps you out of the hospital...however, I don't think I'll be getting any boosters for now and will continue following protocols when I venture out as long as they're still mandated...

Again, take a look at overall deaths and the rate is something like 1.9% of those infected...of those, the majority are elderly and/or imuno some point (and I think it needs to be sooner rather than later) we need to get back to are suffering tremendously from these constant school lock outs, families are suffering financially, emotionally and mentally...opioid use is up...suicide is up...spousal/child abuse is up...

I too ask the same question @Bobo asked: how many doses are you willing to take?...are you willing to get a jab 3, 4, 5x a year? thanks...
I think it’s a foregone conclusion that science created this mess we’re in and the World Health Organizing composed of doctors and scientists did a poor job of containing it. That I firmly believe.
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