Need input from those with security systems installed in their home.Do's,don'ts,pro's,cons,cost,monthly fees etc.Anyone?
Need input from those with security systems installed in their home.Do's,don'ts,pro's,cons,cost,monthly fees etc.Anyone?
My goal is to make my wife feel more secure while I'm on nite shift.We're not paranoid,but infrared cameras won't help deter a home invasion.A dog is out of the question.
You also choose to have a rent a cop show up or the police when the system goes off.
I chose the police, since rent a cops take up to an hour + to respond ..
I'd be surprised if cop response would be cheap. Was that option included as the same price?
try The Monitoring Center. You have to buy the system but you end up saving alot of cash on the service charge. Have had them at my home for three years with no problem.
PS. you can buy your system from any supplier and save even more.
KRFDPSSTI, That is a beauty you got there, mossberg?
How much it cost you?
I am looking for something similar.
I would like to let everyone know that Alarm Force is a great security provider. Both of my parents are far into their retirement and their age seems to be holding them back. They have difficulty walking up and down the stairs and have little to no means of protecting themselves. Unfortunately, their next door neighbor’s home has recently been broken into so I decided to purchase them a security system. The representative gave me a perfect package deal where the system was thoroughly explained to my parents and they could call a representative at any time for more assistance. Above all, it is great knowing that I don’t have to worry about their safety since they are finally protected and secure in their home. Thank you Alarm Force!
Did you just resurrected a zombie thread just to plug Alarm Force? For your first post? No, that's not suspicious at aaaall...