Holiday destinations

What site are you using to look these up? Do you have to go to each individual cruise line to get prices or is there a similar search engine to google flights that lets you see everything. The cheap 1k ones sound tempting just to get away for a week with good food.

We typically cruise with just Royal Caribbean (we're Diamond there now, so there's some perks that make loyalty kinda sorta worth it) but we've also sailed with Carnival just to see if it was as ****** as we'd always been told it was. Surprise, we liked it - some plusses vs RCI, some negatives, but all in all positive. A cruise is what you make of it honestly, and some people are never happy, and others like us just go with the flow and have fun no matter what.

Considering NCL as well, some of our crusing buddies have gone with them and liked it.

In our case, we just shop around on the cruise companies websites themselves. Once you narrow down the number of days and area you're looking for they have pretty solid search tools that really narrow down the options so you're not trying to find a needle in a haystack, figuratively.

We've often shop based on price as well and then work vacation around that. We did a 14 nighter for under $1000 (for both of us!) this way about 6 or 8 years back, it was insane, and did a Grand Suite on Carnival on a short notice booking (in the case of cruises, about 30-40 days out) about 4 or 5 years ago for $2500. Sometimes you just stumble across great deals, but we typically find they're out there either a year before a cruise sails, or at around the 30ish day point once final payments have been made by everyone else already booked and they're trying to pump full any remaining empty staterooms.

...but prices on cruises have spiked in the last 6-8 months as the ships are sailing at capacity again, so, yeah, we're not finding the deals there has been in years past, but still, compared to some all inclusives we're seeing, still a deal.

Stay away from the 3-5 nighters, they are often just booze-cruises, which if that's your thing I guess is fine, but it's not our bag.
We like 10 days to two weeks tho the Alaska cruises are always shorter ( and cheaper as it is very competitive.

Balcony Stateroom
Great Value
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Exclusive: Up to $1,500 On Board Creditⓘ
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An Inside Passage cruise is an inexpensive way to see if you like cruising, always near shore and a variety of excursions. Downside can get crowded in small towns. Even Victoria was crowded when several shipzs were in at once....but the small towns live on the tourist dollars.
Screen Shot 2024-01-29 at Jan, 29    2024    12.56.41 PM.jpg

In case you were wondering ....while value for money is superb being sustainable is a work in progress.
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Curaçao my be next on the list , for some reason it’s pretty reasonable right now . And far enough south to be warm and sunny . Way less than Aruba next door and lots more to do than Bonaire on the other side of. I love Bonaire but wife doesn’t dive so she’s alone a lot during the day , this trip is her turn.

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Curaçao my be next on the list , for some reason it’s pretty reasonable right now . And far enough south to be warm and sunny . Way less than Aruba next door and lots more to do than Bonaire on the other side of. I love Bonaire but wife doesn’t dive so she’s alone a lot during the day , this trip is her turn.

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Friend was there in October, had a great time.
Curious if anyone’s rented a car in Cuba and what the experience was like? Many years ago when I was a young single fella I toured across the island with a band, but we had a local driver.
Curious if anyone’s rented a car in Cuba and what the experience was like? Many years ago when I was a young single fella I toured across the island with a band, but we had a local driver.

There have been a few cases like this.... Sure one offs but it would give me some pause.

There have been a few cases like this.... Sure one offs but it would give me some pause.

There’s a few countries like this that have different legal systems to ours. The innocent until proven guilty thing isn’t a thing in some cases like traffic accidents.
I don’t drink, and generally don’t run people over either
Once you have seen traffic on the Veradero causeway turnpike in Cuba you will reassess driving , trucks with dual wheels , but missing the inside tires , bicycles in the passing lane , scooters and cars with diesel conversions from random machinery , and horse pulled carts on the equivalent of the Cuban 401 . You may run someone over , it won’t be on purpose.

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I'm almost 99% sure I'm never renting a car in Cuba . Cabs are very cheap, private cars with drivers are very cheap , and I'm almost always drunk
I would never be sober long enough during these vacations to drive.

Not stumbling, but a good buzz is a good buzz…
Once you have seen traffic on the Veradero causeway turnpike in Cuba you will reassess driving , trucks with dual wheels , but missing the inside tires , bicycles in the passing lane , scooters and cars with diesel conversions from random machinery , and horse pulled carts on the equivalent of the Cuban 401 . You may run someone over , it won’t be on purpose.

Like all Latin American places, it's only the cities that are horrible.

Once you're out in the countryside, it's actually quite pleasant.

Rode around Cuba on our bikes for a few weeks. Had fun. Would do again.

We rented a small 4x4 for a week and it was great except driving in town on Monday when pay or rations or some such brought every imagineable vehicle into play.
Roads were often incomplete having been stopped mid construction when the Soviets pulled out. 4 lane highways with perfect pavement became horridly corrigated stretches of dirt 4 lane then back to smooth highway.
It was well worth it to get out of the tourist centres.
I stumbled and scraped my knee near the eastern end of the island and walked into the ocean to wash the gravel warming became very evident....that ocean was a hot bath, not warm but a hot bath. :unsure:
The eastern end was so dry the cactus were dying and the vultures congregating around the occasional leak in a water pipe.
We stayed in the Holguin area and drove every day - hitch hiking is a way of life and we would always pick people up ...once a soldier....and added a student from Belize who spoke English and was there for medical school. We took him to lunch and had a fun and informative conversation.
We always felt safe, more so than in some other Caribbean destinations.
Our only concerns were high speed tourist buses from the airport and 80cent tetra packs of 80 proof rum available at any service station.......and police with their parking ticket books ;) The people were wonderful.
Would do again but I live in the tropics now so no appeal. Food was bland which was how I like it tho dottor a bit less so. Snorkeling even from the beach was superb.

I was surprised at the support for the Castro and the revolution in talking to people. Sure they'd like some changes but did not get the impression they were opressed..rather they were proud of what Cuba achieved in a short time...going from 80% illerate to one of the most literate countries in the world.
I was also pleased at the support Canada gave to Cuba......and Canadians were very welcome ,.....they even had a Terry Fox run. A tourist destination without Americans was pleasant.
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I feel Cuba may be one of the safest Caribbean islands . They crack down hard on any crime and prison is real there . About 20yrs ago they had a real prostitution problem out near the resorts to the point where tourists were complaining about being accosted anytime you left the resort . Tourist dollars are everything to them . 5 yr minimum sentence for prostitution and they disappeared pretty fast .

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Made it to Oaxaca, I felt tall in Mexico City, here I feel like an nba player, disconcerting for sure
Anyone snorkeling on a reef I was taught a trick in Cuba. Find a small spiny urchin and turn it over ...poke out the bottom...and a fountain of small reef fish will appear from nowhere and cycle in and out in a colourful display.
Made it to Oaxaca, I felt tall in Mexico City, here I feel like an nba player, disconcerting for sure
you reminded me of our first trip to Japan partner at the time was all of 5' 4" ...stepped off the plane " I feel normal" ...killed myself laughing was so plaintive.

psssst don't go to Holland .....tallest GIRLS in the world..... and not shy
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Decided to get some go karting in today. Must be at least 20 years since I sat in one of these. Only 10 laps and I’m 15+ seconds off the record holder, guy must live here!

Although I wonder what losing a good 70lbs would get me back in time 😂

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