Hit by Cager

I felt fine after I hit a guy doing a uturn in front of me. Felt fine after I came around and the paramedics checked me out. Blood pressure was better than sitting home on my couch. Boy did that ever change that night. Huge bruises and turns out two broken and one cracked rib later. That was a month ago and it still hurts! The guy “preferred “ that we settle without the insurance getting involved. I told him I “preferred “ that I not be laying on the road with a bike on top of me! He got charged. It went insurance and they paid out the bike. Also started a bodily injury file with insurance for just in case.
Don’t try and be the nice guy in this. It’s your ass that got hurt!
I felt fine after I hit a guy doing a uturn in front of me. Felt fine after I came around and the paramedics checked me out. Blood pressure was better than sitting home on my couch. Boy did that ever change that night. Huge bruises and turns out two broken and one cracked rib later. That was a month ago and it still hurts! The guy “preferred “ that we settle without the insurance getting involved. I told him I “preferred “ that I not be laying on the road with a bike on top of me! He got charged. It went insurance and they paid out the bike. Also started a bodily injury file with insurance for just in case.
Don’t try and be the nice guy in this. It’s your ass that got hurt!
agreed dude... claims is called... will wait for the adjuster...
U know funny enough I was just thinking of one a few days ago.
They are inexpensive with very good resolution. Easy to use app and easy to wire in. Took me about 30 minutes to fit once I figured how I was going to run the wiring on my bike.
Dumb young driver (26 yo) bumped into him on Eastern and Lesile.. tail end of rush hour at 6:30pm.
That is a tricky intersection if you are going either West or East, not marked very well for left turns, and opens up to 2 lanes, sort a.
That is a tricky intersection if you are going either West or East, not marked very well for left turns, and opens up to 2 lanes, sort a.
Sounds like you frequent this area. Yeah I agree on the west of lesile. I was outside of One Academy just passed by the Fresh co? I don’t know man. I guess it a combination of rush hour, impatient driver and driver not tracking his blinds.

Sorry for sound like a drama queen but I will go for a check up tmr, and see if I can get an X-ray too. See if there anything I can’t see with my eyes.

If anything, lucky that I was wearing gear, shoulda left the knee pads in my jeans. And lucky to be with Kevlar jeans and lucky that I had gloves. And lucky I had a a Kevlar jacket on as well.

I mean I have always been ATGATT kinda guys this just cements it.
Sounds like you frequent this area. Yeah I agree on the west of lesile. I was outside of One Academy just passed by the Fresh co? I don’t know man. I guess it a combination of rush hour, impatient driver and driver not tracking his blinds.
Nah just old and lived in this city too long.

Most people think it's 1 lane, which it is until you reach that intersection, then it turns into a left turn lane and straight lane. The problem is before that point it's 1 lane and it's very short distance before it expands. So if no one is turning left, drivers blow right through taking both lanes, because the opposite side it curves so you have to move over. The other problem the stupid city allows parking almost right up to the intersection so it's a natural funnel pushing drivers over.

Anyhow glad you seem ok, as we know the alternative.
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