high heels and motorcycles

It feels weird, unnatural and unsafe. I did this once years ago and I'll never do it again. You're foot slides. You don't feel the same surface area when you are stopped and your feet are down. Open shoe is even worse cause shifting is painful and scratches the top of your foot like wearing sandals.
I wear my Sidi race boots and carry a pair of shoes with me if I must.
Well as a man, I gotta say this is sexy as hell.. BUT in the event of a crash she is loosing everything from the ankle strap down.. not gonna be so sex with a nub were her foot used to be :S

As for the pain.. I took a quick run to dinner in a pair of sandles the other day.. it's not that it hurts, but its hard to shift.. I kept finding myself going from first to neutral instead of into second..
Now that you mention it, don't forget just running over road debris or rocks tossed up at speeds...ouch that will do some damage.
I can run in heels, but this is just way too much for me. Gotta admit it does look pretty sexy though.
nothing screams HEY LOOK AT ME IM A WOMAN ON A BIKE AND I WANT ATTENTION quite like short shorts and heels on a motorcycle

looks retarded with a jacket backpack ensemble
nothing screams HEY LOOK AT ME IM A WOMAN ON A BIKE AND I WANT ATTENTION quite like short shorts and heels on a motorcycle

Odd, you say that like it's a bad thing?...
oh, possible winner here, double duty


I would soooooo get those if they actually made heals like that. There are a few sexy versions going around.

I ride in heals and if you want to do it comfortably there's a few rules (lil sushi does the same thing btw)
a) No open toes.... thats just dumb, it'll hurt like a ***** to shift
b) Have a thicker heal. The thin heal is too unstable when you come to a stop and also if you put too much pressure on the foot peg you can break off the heal.

or have a cruiser and rock floorboards with a heal-toe shifter and not have to worry about any of the above :)
This looks good too

She looks smoking but too bad it would never be me. I'm too much of a chicken to risk breaking my ankles or skinning myself alive just for looks. I'd just pack my heels and shorts in my backpack...
Heel, not heal.

Awe you might not want to read any of my posts. I tend to make spelling mistakes here and there.
Meh. My worlds not ending because of it.

Those icon boots I have those too. I wear those most of the time. But I work in an office and in heels all day so if I need to zip down the street for something I just go as is.
This is where you sit back and wait for natural selection to kick in...

Sorry, I'm super lame wearing full gear in 35 C heat. Nothing sexy about that all. Oh well.
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