Hey cruisers, why dont u wave at my sportbike?

I just read a great article about this very thing over on CMG that just nails it. Its built into the cruiser culture...View attachment 37247




Zac and Michael debate how much embroidery is too much on their CMG café racer project bike.
rank is by Hyundai model. Starts at Pony, and goes up. I'm thinking a tasteful "Sonata" neck tattoo.

The Pony was the shiz-nit
Forget skinny jeans, the latest hipster thing is no pants at all. The hairy legs match thebeards

Damn. I guess I'm a hipster then. I avoid wearing pants whenever possible.
It's not a wave in the traditional sense like if you were bidding someone bon voyage at the docks or greeting a long lost love on the train platform, it's just an acknowledgement of shared hobby/interest/lifestyle/road. Any sexual tension would be purely coincidental as I am given to understand it.

Sexual tension would at least add something to the wave. But since there is none I stand my ground on my opinion. I care not if a stranger has a shared interest until I determine if I like said person through actual social interaction. Are we going to start waving at people if they have the same kind of smartphone?

Motorcycling is not a lifestyle to me. I am passionate to the extreme for it but I feel no need to wear clothing that identifies me as a motorcyclist when I am away from riding. I see no need to listen to the usual Hillbilly rock when I ride my cruiser, or slap on knee sliders when I am out on the sportbike.

A woman wearing club pants riding a sportbike is always pleasurable, yet still not wave worthy to me.

I might install a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube woman onto the passenger seat so I don't see any more whining threads about a guy who doesn't wave at you.
Sexual tension would at least add something to the wave. But since there is none I stand my ground on my opinion. I care not if a stranger has a shared interest until I determine if I like said person through actual social interaction. Are we going to start waving at people if they have the same kind of smartphone?

My post was kind of a joke. Is your response kinda too? So you wouldn't acknowledge another person until after you've met them? Ohkayyyy.....
Sucking on a lemon: H-D misery starter kit.
Forget skinny jeans, the latest hipster thing is no pants at all. The hairy legs match thebeards

I thought all the hipsters were man-scaping...


Zac and Michael debate how much embroidery is too much on their CMG café racer project bike.

This pic needs grinder sparks for full-on moto-hipster-****** full effect.

Is that schmuck wearing a speedo...?
My post was kind of a joke. Is your response kinda too? So you wouldn't acknowledge another person until after you've met them? Ohkayyyy.....

You got me, while I think waving is silly I usually still do it to be polite.
I was out on the bike this morning. Waved to everyone. All but one waved back. Went out in the suv later, waved at a bike out of habit...got cut eye.
This pic needs grinder sparks for full-on moto-hipster-****** full effect.

Is that schmuck wearing a speedo...?

I hope so, otherwise what the hell is he wearing?
I saw two can-am's today, i only waved to the second one. I figured if waving is really important they could argue about if i waved or not at Timmies ;)
I saw two can-am's today, i only waved to the second one. I figured if waving is really important they could argue about if i waved or not at Timmies ;)

Yeah. Even the Can-am riders need some love from time to time. Good for you for paying it forward... ;)

Seriously though, I can see a day when I might have to switch from two wheels to three (post-Burgman, that is :P), so as long as they're keeping the faith, all good by me...
I wave a everyone, even scooters...... Lol

Scooter pilots don't get enough love. Those guys got balls (even the females) to ride something that small and insubstantial and slow in today's traffic. Srsly. I wave at 'em too. Just recently gave the thumbs-up to a guy riding a cool, mint little 50cc Puch moped. Why not?

If they're on two wheels and have an engine moving them, I acknowledge them.
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