Hey cruisers, why dont u wave at my sportbike?

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How come e-bike ppl don't wave back...? :(
How come e-bike ppl don't wave back...? :(

Safety reasons... One hand is holding a beer and the other hand is operating the scooter, which would be unsafe to operate in "no hands" mode
People complain about this from time to time. I don't notice a difference between bikes to be honest. Lots of people don't wave. Except - yeah those dudes a little too obsessed with looking like outlaws, but most of them waive too. As a cruiser rider I wave when I can, I prefer the "two fingers up" if I'm turning or its otherwise dumb to do a full waive. I find the only time I don't waive is if Ive been touring for several hours and I'm just trying to get somewhere. I still try to waive back though.
i dont wave...i do give everyone the middle finger though...hoping to start a trend.
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How come e-bike ppl don't wave back...? :(
They never wave back at me either. :(

OMG I agree with this question too.
So I waved two fingers at a guy on an ebike once and he gave me the biggest look of disgust I nearly died laughing, as I left him at the light. But said I wouldn't wave at another, maybe a nod if they signal first. But I wave at everyone riding more then a 250.
Safety reasons... One hand is holding a beer and the other hand is operating the scooter, which would be unsafe to operate in "no hands" mode

Nothing says "DUI" like riding an e-bike... :rolleyes:
Nothing says "DUI" like riding an e-bike... :rolleyes:

This fine blog would beg to differ... :cool:

#7 Drinking Beer and Riding / Breaking the Law

Many electric bike riders have found the thrill in being “law breakers”. Either in riding illegally fast bikes, juicing up their bikes on stolen electricity (opportunity charging), or drinking alcohol while riding, many electric bikers have found that there is some weird hedonistic need in most of us to be outlaws and black sheep. Although you can get a DUI on an electric bike, in most jurisdictions, it counts the same as getting a DUI on a pedal-bicycle which is just a minor ticket…not the handcuffs, the DUI charge, and the wreck your life kind of DUI that you get doing the same thing in a car or motoycle. A DUI on a bicycle is usually a hand slap that does not cost you a lot of money and does not effect your driving record. So some electric bikers have found an electric bike to be great transport to the local bar…and some extreme individuals even drink beer while riding. After all, when you ride drunk on an electric bike you are only endangering yourself. But if you do decide to ride drunk….please wear a helmet. Same with driving your truck drunk…remember your helmet please. (just kidding about the truck)
I ride a cruiser, I always wave, crotch rocket guys wave back about 50% of the time.

I ride with a rather large group of cruisers guys, they all wave and not once have I seen any of them "Steer off the road" because they took a hand off to wave.
Waving at strangers is stupid. I will pull over to help ANY stranded biker however.
Waving at strangers is stupid.

It's not a wave in the traditional sense like if you were bidding someone bon voyage at the docks or greeting a long lost love on the train platform, it's just an acknowledgement of shared hobby/interest/lifestyle/road. Any sexual tension would be purely coincidental as I am given to understand it.
I've started waving at other car drivers while driving my car. It's a brotherhood. We're all getting Hyundai tattoos Saturday.
And get some stripes on your d* so you can pull rank.

rank is by Hyundai model. Starts at Pony, and goes up. I'm thinking a tasteful "Sonata" neck tattoo.

I've never seen tasteful, neck tattoo and Sonata in the same paragraph before. What part of Ancaster are you from?
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