help with a 2000 sv650s sitting for 6 years

I can understand your skeptism. But before and after compression tests were night and day different on the cylinder. Eventually the top end got the refresh it deserved. It is much more common to get a stuck ring on a 2 stroke vs a four stroke.

The first engine I ever took apart as a kid was a 50cc solex moped given to me by a family friend.. One of my older brothers showed me the ring(s) were stuck solid in their grooves. We cleaned and freed up the rings/grooves, put the engine back together and...she runs! lol. Every friend in my neighbourhood crashed that top heavy moped at least once. A stuck ring can lower the compression enough that an engine stops firing. I would not recommend wd40 as a lubricant - but it is a good solvent cleaner.

I mention this as I was thinking there was a concern the engine may be stuck from sitting. wd40 sprayed in the cylinders via the spark plug holes wouldn't hurt before attempting first turnover..

Totally agree! The only time I had rings stuck was on my TY250 and on a chainsaw and both were the result of using the same batch of old oil that I shouldn't have used. Had to completely dismantle to clean both, especially behind the rings and it was so gummed up that no amount of spray applied through the plug holes would have done the job. Naphtha is what I used but with a Lot of rubbing and even had to use a piece of old piston ring to clear out the groves nice and square. ymmv

A disintegrating foam air filter element or a mouse nest will also make a real mess inside your engine, if that ever happens I highly recommend you go straight to dismantle and cleaning.

Once had mice build a nest inside the bottom end of my 360VA after they entered through the exhaust pipe :/ plug the opening on your expansion chamber over winter if you have a large displacement 2-stroke.
Once had mice build a nest inside the bottom end of my 360VA after they entered through the exhaust pipe :/ plug the opening on your expansion chamber over winter if you have a large displacement 2-stroke.

crikey, that must have been a pain to sort out
engine would probably not fire with that restriction?
could waste days head scratching I imagine
crikey, that must have been a pain to sort out
engine would probably not fire with that restriction?
could waste days head scratching I imagine

It didn't even completely turn over, they packed it near full of wood dowels and insulation material from under the car hood.

Rode my K100RS to work one day and somebody said 'something is leaking out of your motorcycle' It was leaking baby mice :/ poor little buggers must have been dropping out all the way down the 401

Still nowhere near as destructive as a Porcupine can be, those things don't just nest in your vehicle, they eat all the rubber :mad:
I havent posted here in a while, was rebuilding my cbr600rr from a crash at shannonville. Now that bike is done. I finally rebuilt the carbs on the sv650, I did 5 turn out from full seat on the pilot screw (what it was before) but now i see manual and it says 2.5 to 3.5 depends on carb in the sv650.

My main issue is a try to start the bike with the 5 turn out and it wasn't starting after a bike I heard a pop and nothing turns on now. Battery is hot. i took battery out let it sit for a bit. i tried to connect battery back when it was cooled down still a bit warm and the bike start to turn over even when the bike wasnt on the on postion and bike kill switch was still off.

I was wondering if anyone can help me get this bike going lol. I want to get this engine to start and run then i can worry about rebuilding forks and installing a new rear shock and pads.

p.s. the engine does turn over nothing is seized.
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I had bought 2002 zx6 last year which was sitting for 15 years.
Main issues I had was carbs. The air filter was never changed and it crusted and jammed up the carbs. I rebuilt the carbs following a YouTube video and all balls racing rebuilt kit.
Also changed all the fluids , and air filter. Been running like a dream since then.
My forks were leaking this season so I had bushing and dust seal replaced.

Hopefully that helps.
I fried my starter solenoid last week on my 2000 sv650. I bought a replacement from Amazon and it's all good
I am having a hard time pulling the relay out seems like its just rubber or is it bolted down?
lol yeah I will have to move the bike a bit to fit my fat ass on the side of the bike. i got a single car garage with the two bikes in it. If i dont get this bike going before winter wife says it has to go. :(
ok so i got the relay today from amazon. installed it charged the battery cracked it a couple times and by the 6 time it started running on its own but i gave it gas and it died. The battery is charging now and i will try to crack it again later tonight and play with the idle screw instead of gas and or but the choke on.
Hey guys so I let the bike warm up but the plunger (the one on the top of the pic) on the back doesn't respond to throttle. No tears in diaphragm. Does seem like the front one the bottom one has more force to open by hand. PXL_20231004_002404792~2.jpg

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