Helmet exemption for Sikhs/turbans


Well-known member
A snapshot from this weekend’s Khalsa Day parade -

One of these days I`ll get the date right for the parade . I think it would be interesting to experience the Khalsa Day parade .
One of these days I`ll get the date right for the parade . I think it would be interesting to experience the Khalsa Day parade .
Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).
Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).
A lifetime ago when i was stationed in Petawawa, we took them on the bus with us and just stacked them in the windows (mag out). The reaction from some drivers was priceless.
Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).

Let's play a game!
1st pic is from the Calgary Stampede
Next 2 are from an NHL game
4th pic is from Toronto Nagar Kirtan (Khalsa Day Parade)
Only 1 of these 4 got the racist/offensive tweets, mainstream media coverage, and public outrage combo treatment
100 points if you pick the right one! Bonus point if you can explain why.





We trust these military personnel to serve our country and protect its people, lay down their lives if need be and give them the weapons necessary to do so. Yet when it comes to something like this it becomes a problem and there is public outcry...
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Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).

When I want to see " assault rifles" all I need to do is open my safe.
Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).

And carrying them on slings at the ready is against parade protocol so more explaining.
Could be some military reprimands on this one as there should be.
When I want to see " assault rifles" all I need to do is open my safe.

I just have to watch my son on GTA for a minute or so....
I still question the morality of a game
that allows you to rob a hooker after you're done
to get your money back
then shoot her so there are no witnesses
It will be interesting to see what happens with helmets on courses, since they are federally run.

I just have to watch my son on GTA for a minute or so....
I still question the morality of a game
that allows you to rob a hooker after you're done
to get your money back
then shoot her so there are no witnesses
Don't have it in my house. I went to a Christian camp once, and they had that game on the computer in the rec room. The next year, it converted to a hockey camp.
I'm smellin' an opportunity here.... mad_mikes_mc_turbans.com?
We trust these military personnel to serve our country and protect its people, lay down their lives if need be and give them the weapons necessary to do so.

Lol... There's no trust.
During my time the only time we were issued fully operational weapons was for training and actual operations...
For parades and such... No breach blocks, rendering your "assault rifle" inoperable.
I'm dating myself with the term "breach block", but those who know... Know. (winky face)

I'll bet none of those rifles on parade had their bolt carriers installed.
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I'd be interested in seeing what happens to insurance rates. Will they go up or down?
Lol... There's no trust.
During my time the only time we were issued fully operational weapons was for training and actual operations...
For parades and such... No breach blocks, rendering your "assault rifle" inoperable.
I'm dating myself with the term "breach block", but those who know... Know. (winky face)

I'll bet none of those rifles on parade had their bolt carriers installed.
Spring and gas operated magazine fed? I seem to recall something about a rat tail or such.
Let's play a game!
1st pic is from the Calgary Stampede
Next 2 are from an NHL game
4th pic is from Toronto Nagar Kirtan (Khalsa Day Parade)
Only 1 of these 4 got the racist/offensive tweets, mainstream media coverage, and public outrage combo treatment
100 points if you pick the right one! Bonus point if you can explain why.

View attachment 40106

We trust these military personnel to serve our country and protect its people, lay down their lives if need be and give them the weapons necessary to do so. Yet when it comes to something like this it becomes a problem and there is public outcry...

It's not racist to protest against a practice of another culture. In Canada there is a good reason why we do what we do. often based on history and experience, but then we stupidly make exceptions for fear we would actually be called "racists", so Canadians of another culture can ride without helmets and when they sustain injury the rest of us must pay for expensive and long-term medical costs; and when the military has a policy of having a mussel guard on the gun, or holding the rifle on one's shoulder, or when we allow knives (kirpans) to be strapped to one's leg under the pants, it is for safety reasons. Even in India they must follow the rules established there, even though they attempt to over-ride them but are not successful.

That's not saying all cultural challenges or changes to Canadian law are bad, but these certainly are.
It's not racist to protest against a practice of another culture. In Canada there is a good reason why we do what we do. often based on history and experience, but then we stupidly make exceptions for fear we would actually be called "racists", so Canadians of another culture can ride without helmets and when they sustain injury the rest of us must pay for expensive and long-term medical costs; and when the military has a policy of having a mussel guard on the gun, or holding the rifle on one's shoulder, or when we allow knives (kirpans) to be strapped to one's leg under the pants, it is for safety reasons. Even in India they must follow the rules established there, even though they attempt to over-ride them but are not successful.

That's not saying all cultural challenges or changes to Canadian law are bad, but these certainly are.
I don't really care. It turns out that helmets save lives, but they don't save money.

I can see laws that protect the public safety and purse -- seatbelts do that, hockey facemasks do that, children's bike helmets do that -- but I don't like the nanny laws that protect us from ourselves. I'll always wear a helmet however I would prefer to have the right to choose.
I was in New Hampshire last year. Helmets are optional. The group I was riding with quickly removed helmets to enjoy the experience. I kept mine on as I have no desire to ride without a helmet just because I can. Most of the people at Laconia bike week had no helmets.
I don’t care either way. But I like my helmet collection.
Wife has shoes I have helmets ?
I don't really care. It turns out that helmets save lives, but they don't save money.

I can see laws that protect the public safety and purse -- seatbelts do that, hockey facemasks do that, children's bike helmets do that -- but I don't like the nanny laws that protect us from ourselves. I'll always wear a helmet however I would prefer to have the right to choose.

Yes, I agree. I prefer the Michigan State helmet law, where you can ride without a helmet if you carry extra insurance to cover any possible head injuries. Michigan adopted that law to increase motorcycle tourism. Many U.S. riders won't visit states with a helmet law. Many Canadians visit helmet free states because there's no helmet law. The biggest motorcycle events happen in "free-states" - Sturgis, Daytona, Laconia, etc. Only a guy like Doug Ford would understand the value of such a law. Ontario motorcycle events generate only local interest and tend to fizzle after a few years.

Few here would remember Canada without helmet laws, but I remember living in Quebec where helmets only became mandatory in 1975. Manitoba was the last Canadian province in 1983. There were all sorts of protests, but it was the federal government that twisted the arm of the provinces threatening to withhold health care transfer payments. Nanny-state Ontario eagerly enacted a helmet law in 1967, following the heels of the United Kingdom.

Ironically, the most pro-helmet guys tend to be the sport bike riders, who also die the most in speed-related accidents.
Its also your best chance to see assualt rifles in Canada. :/ (Military is investigating why assault rifles were handed out to military in parade).

Go to Parliament Hill during a big event. They're everywhere on security. I had no issue with it because I knew it meant less chance any crazies would try anything stupid, or if they did, get very far trying.

Ontario motorcycle events generate only local interest and tend to fizzle after a few years

PD13 would be a rather big exception to that.

Also somewhere else there were assault rifles in plain view on the LEO's.
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