Well-known member
Riding without a helmet is just adding chlorine to the gene pool.
Although Christian, I believe in the freedom to worship whatever you want, even if you embrace the belief your distant ancestors crawled out from under a rock, and I also believe you have the right to take wreckless risks with your own life, but as long as it doesn't involve the innocent public (me) or me paying tax dollars for you to be on life support, possibly for years, because you rejected common-sense/legally required preventative safety equipment (helmet).
Riding without a helmet is just adding chlorine to the gene pool.
Riding without a helmet is just adding chlorine to the gene pool.
“The safety of our roads will always remain a priority,” Ford said in a statement. “But our government also believes that individuals have personal accountability and responsibility with respect to their own well-being.”
Well said... but how does that reasoning only apply to Sikh? Can pastafarians ride with a colander? Everyone should be allowed take responsibility.
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Plus god is great allegedly. Will protect us all-no?
Please end this thread now! Let's not start this again....go to the original thread and read it before you post here please!
Anyone now can ride without a helmet . All you need to do is self identify as " Sikh" and wear a do rag . No one can tell you how you practice your religion or what parts of it you adhere to .
Goggles, glasses and windshields (mainly cruisers)I was thinking the same thing.
Honestly though I don't get how people ride without full face helmets. Not just the safety thing, my eyes get so dry and I'm constantly blinking if there is a bunch of moving air around my face. Also getting hit in the face with rocks and bugs suck.
Goggles, glasses and windshields (mainly cruisers)
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