Our Pasta, who art in Colander, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

Our Pasta, who art in Colander, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
A friend I raced with when I was a member of Westwood wore a Patka under his helmet. It’s a small piece of cloth that looks a little like a doo rag... No offence to any Sikh’s. He said it fulfillled all the tenants of his religion and still allowed him to be protected.
To each their own I guess. Even if they did strike down the helmet law in Ontario I certainly wound not be going bareback.
like the OP pointed out, It coming from a very unreliable source...
I realize that this is an old topic of discussion, but it does present some interesting angles to look at. Obviously the first area to discuss would be how can you allow a group to opt out of a safety regulation when you have gov’t funded health care? The potential liability to the health care system is of course greater for the non helmet crowd compared to those wearing helmets, that’s why we have seat belt laws to reduce potential injuries and have less impact on the healthcare system when the inevitable accidents occur. Next up is the question, would insurance companies be able to charge more to insure non helmeted riders, since the likelihood of greater medical costs in the event of an accident. This is where it really gets interesting, because for the insurance company to do the only logical thing and raise premiums on non helmet wearers, they will have to discriminate between customers based on religion. Opens up a huge bag of trouble. If insurance companies are permitted to charge higher rates to cover non helmet wearing Sikhs, then does that open the door to allow other entities and individuals to discriminate between other religious, racial, sexual groups etc., when it can be proven that their “differences” cause economic impact on the entity in question. Today the answer is no, you can’t discriminate
I wear a helmet (Sikh but cut my hair). Yes you can wear a small head covering(patka) and wear helmet and ride. This is nothing more than a political bs.
I too could care less if people splat their brains all over the highway. But, if you are going to exempt one group then you should exempt all groups. The gov't should just repeal the helmet law. Our heads, our brains...
I too could care less if people splat their brains all over the highway.
How many people does this involve? 100 province wide? Maybe? 1000? What are your chance of being in an accident that involves you hitting your head for the average bike rider? 1 in 10? So we're talking maybe 100 people who hit their heads max?
Well said.
I can guarantee there will be whole herd of older large cruiser riders, same one with helmet laws suck stickers, identifying as a new convert. They may get ticketed but will have a lot of sport with this political mess.