Has the city lost it's mind...

So i guess it's about subsidizing the behaviour you want to encourage the most (to make it the most appealing)
And a healthy dose of pandering to the mass of voters you want (union and riders).
That's easy. It's an absolute cluster at every intersection unless bikes and vehicles have their own lights (which is also a cluster). Braindead drivers can't make turns without mowing down people walking, having someone closing at 30 km/h after you have committed to the turn is a bloodbath. Honestly, I'd rather have bike paths between lane. Like roundabouts, more bumps, less straight up kill shots from perpendicular impacts.
Right turns only and walking bicycles left would fix that safety problem.
I give you, value.

That money could go towards the 3 struggling transit projects under provincial authority to get people moving. But instead I guess we have money to send $200 cheques to people, cancel contracts a year early to get beers in corner stores, and destroy recently built lanes in a city.
You have to fig a little deeper into what is causing delays in those projects. Yes Metrolinx is ultimately responsible, and they must do better. Ford is cleaning out the old guard, almost all appointed byl the Wayne regime.

Then there are the protester folks whining and complaining it’s moving slowly while they delay projects with protests and court challenges.
Right turns only and walking bicycles left would fix that safety problem.
Only if you are part of the car mafia and want to prevent anyone from riding. It is just as practical to walk bikes across intersections as it is the push cars across. If you want people to commute, they need to remain in/on their vehicle and stop as infrequently as possible.
Only if you are part of the car mafia and want to prevent anyone from riding. It is just as practical to walk bikes across intersections as it is the push cars across. If you want people to commute, they need to remain in/on their vehicle and stop as infrequently as possible.
Oh boy, here we go with the conservation of motion!

Only if you are part of the car mafia and want to prevent anyone from riding. It is just as practical to walk bikes across intersections as it is the push cars across. If you want people to commute, they need to remain in/on their vehicle and stop as infrequently as possible.
Almost everyone stops before a left, and as I think deeper, they don’t need to dismount as the perpendicular lane is right there - stop and join in that lane. No less convenient than the gazillion pedestrians.
I can only think of one or possibly two places that I feel reasonably safe eating at in this country.

And that is honestly why I rarely eat out...haven't been to the movies in probably 10 years...that and bed bugs...yuck
Hey if you want a real example of how out of touch the city is just try driving on King St W.
I had to go down there last week, what a mess, even Google maps can't figure it out and displays no content.
They've made up special rules for this stretch of street, it's dumb and confusing.

I can only think of one or possibly two places that I feel reasonably safe eating at in this country.

Know a guy that has a fire protection business they service the fire suppression hoods and such at most of the local restaurants he gives me a heads up about kitchen hygiene at a joint before i will eat there.
Plenty of horror stories about places that that appeared to be well managed and clean.
Know a guy that has a fire protection business they service the fire suppression hoods and such at most of the local restaurants he gives me a heads up about kitchen hygiene at a joint before i will eat there.
Plenty of horror stories about places that that appeared to be well managed and clean.
I actually embrace the small mom and pops or independent places that look like a hole in the wall and serve ethnic dishes from their motherland.
Food often tastes great with added bonus of building the immune system at the same time.
Absolute miracle no one was injured with over 100 shots being fired. Good job by police with taking I think 16 handguns and 2 assault rifles off the street. I guess rappers aren't aware of the hand gun ban across Canada. Pretty wild there are that many people with an arsenal of guns just hanging out on a Monday night.

Absolute miracle no one was injured with over 100 shots being fired. Good job by police with taking I think 16 handguns and 2 assault rifles off the street. I guess rappers aren't aware of the hand gun ban across Canada. Pretty wild there are that many people with an arsenal of guns just hanging out on a Monday night.

It's one thing for the attackers to have guns but the people recording also bringing an armory for a night of music is a huge problem. No carding means most bad guys are armed.
In an effort to block douggie removing the bike lanes, toronto had a special council meeting to determine how to be obstinate and says it will cost $48M to remove them. Holy hell. They are completely insane. Apparently painting over the lines is not an option and the roads would need to be resurfaced. Whackos.

I don't agree with the blitzkrieg attack on bike lanes but I also don't agree with the insanity of special interest spending with no limit.

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In an effort to block douggie removing the bike lanes, toronto had a special council meeting to determine how to be obstinate and says it will cost $48M to remove them. Holy hell. They are completely insane. Apparently painting over the lines is not an option and the roads would need to be resurfaced. Whackos.

I don't agree with the blitzkrieg attack on bike lanes but I also don't agree with the insanity of special interest spending with no limit.

some of the lane have concrete dividers in the pavement to create secure intersections

it's not just paint all over

And more examples of how it's not "just paint"
Remove the concrete
Remove the asphalt
Resurface and return to what it was
It's gonna be a few painful months, luckily for me, i don't bike that far north, i stay below the qew when i bike commute

some of the lane have concrete dividers in the pavement to create secure intersections

it's not just paint all over

And more examples of how it's not "just paint"
Remove the concrete
Remove the asphalt
Resurface and return to what it was
It's gonna be a few painful months

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I would hope Douggie would leave those for phase two of screw the bikes (which only gets implemented if phase one is a success). At least those are decent bike lanes. He probably won't though.
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