Has the city lost it's mind...

Never too late for prepping, remember you’ll need to collect illicit weaponry, you can bury those canned goods but then you’ll need to defend them

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Sadly I imagine our societies problems will only continue to escalate and worsen.
Violence in video games and/or movies are a reflection of society. The violence was and is a part of our culture, history, and way of life.
We are mostly immune to it as long as it happens to someone else. In my humble opinion, metal health is leading cause of this growing problem.
Deficient parenting, education, health care and policing coupled with a lack of outlets and resources within communities are all contributing factors. Then add to the mix addiction, premature sexuality, gang mentality, racism etc. it becomes a matter of when the next attack will happen not if. Regrettably we are to far gone for many even if a "fix" to this situation started tomorrow. It's simply one type of "victim" creating another..
I think there is a wide range of causes for violence, mental health issues being a key issue in some attacks and also kids swarming others as a result of "group think", peer pressure, the negative influence of FB, TikTok and other social media and, lastly, the effect of several years of social distancing and the general disruption of covid. There is a disturbing disconnect between reality and consequences.

As for property type crime I think criminals have figured out that the police are too busy doing something else and the risk of being caught is low. I don't think throwing more money at the police is necessarily the solution.

I look at the Peel Police Crime Map periodically for car thefts, thefts from vehicles, mischief, break and enters and there appears to be virtually none of this going on in my neighborhood, so I feel very fortunate.

not sure if its actually worse or just the media is pointing it out more as is with mass shootings/killings.
going to continue IMO since the govt does not want to spend money addressing root cause and instead going for headlines and tweets.
all we can do is positively influence our personal sphere: raise good kids, make sure your family and friends all do the same, pass on good values, reward good values, etc.
or if you are motivated enough: teach, volunteer and/or outreach work.

unfortunately, I think ignorant and ****** people reproduce faster than us rational ones with good values.
Interesting map @ReSTored thanks. Just checked and we've had a few stolen cars within 30 days, and 2 mischief issues at a few intersections nearby.

Didn't show the hit and run though from last week.
Over the last 24h...

And as @nobbie48 mentioned...the incident along the way to school...

It's not just irresponsible kids and their parents. Some of the blame goes to the weasels that have worked their way up the system. They want to climb higher and see disturbances in their patch as threatening advancement. So they cover up and minimize. Anyone that fights them gets stomped on.

A friend taught primary school here in TO and noticed that arson by a couple of brats was swept under the table.

With the exception of the victims, everyone wants to downplay the violence. Violence is only good for the NRA and gun manufacturers.

From the USA.

Re; young offenders act and parenting , both my parents worked , mom did nursing shifts , pop was mostly days, however one of the things we talked about , and we talked about lots because dinner was for family talks , never in front of a TV , was how messed your life can be from ONE stupid incident. Get a pot charge and you may not be allowed into the US, get a crminal record and you severly limit job opportunity. Percentage of marriages that work out when 16yr old dolly get preggers?
Teach critical thinking
Today all of that teaching is being negated by YOLO, and the downplaying of the consequences by advertisers.

IMO crime is either business or emotion driven.

Emotion driven is hard to control because there is no logic. Someone gets laid off due to lack of work so they shoot the boss and commit suicide. It's not a win / lose.

Business driven is based on the crime being profitable. Factor in the chance of not getting caught, the take and the prison time if caught. Very few criminals do the math.

If the criminal is from the ghetto they have probably never traveled more than a few miles from home so wouldn't understand taking tropical vacations and eating decent food. They're comfortable in the slums so the restrictions don't affect them. Their friends don't shun them because they're in the same boat.

How do we teach self and mutual respect? Who are our role models?
Business driven is based on the crime being profitable. Factor in the chance of not getting caught, the take and the prison time if caught. Very few criminals do the math.
If you do the math and aren't a complete idiot, crime is a great career. Look at the income earned (tax free) and minimal time in incarceration and your hourly rate is to the moon (even if you include time incarcerated). Now that crimes using young offenders are increasing in popularity, consequences are even less. Not that hard to make seven figures before you face the potential of life-altering penalties (assuming you don't care about ethics or morals).
Business driven is based on the crime being profitable. Factor in the chance of not getting caught, the take and the prison time if caught. Very few criminals do the math.
Crime is great business! That's why people do it! Easy money, with minimal chance of actually having to face any consequences.

Remember this guy? Ontario claims $75M stolen in ‘kickback schemes’ run by alleged ringleader of COVID-19 fraud

Originally 11M, and now gov't claims around 75M! And that's what they think they can prove...I'm sure there is much more that goes unnoticed.

I work for the gov't and stole a stapler...and I feel bad about it.

I'd be a horrible criminal. That's why I buy $100 watches instead of 20k ones.
If you do the math and aren't a complete idiot, crime is a great career. Look at the income earned (tax free) and minimal time in incarceration and your hourly rate is to the moon (even if you include time incarcerated). Now that crimes using young offenders are increasing in popularity, consequences are even less. Not that hard to make seven figures before you face the potential of life-altering penalties (assuming you don't care about ethics or morals).
The big downside is that unless you have a viable front you live and breathe with other criminals, every one of them trying to cut your throat.
With the exception of the victims, everyone wants to downplay the violence. Violence is only good for the NRA and gun manufacturers.
not up here. the opposite in fact. gun violence specifically is good for the libs and their platform as easy targets.
The big downside is that unless you have a viable front you live and breathe with other criminals, every one of them trying to cut your throat.
If you have cash, a viable front is almost trivial these days. Real estate flip was a winner recently as you need to justify the initial purchase but can pour cash into the renovation and sell for clean money to fund the next one. Laundromats and bars have long been popular to clean you own money. Crypto gambling could work (although obviously very poorly in 2022). Simple enough to have offshore accounts too. Blind trusts with lawyers or accountants as the trustee can work. A million different avenues to isolate you from the money. If you have enough, government doesn't even care about you, they would rather pick on Joe taxpayer as he doesn't have the money to fight back.

Alternatively, just enjoy your money. Vacations to affordable destinations (like florida or cuba) and then drop a fortune on adventures while there (don't take any pictures or leave a trail, you were relaxing on the beach if anyone asks).
If you have cash, a viable front is almost trivial these days. Real estate flip was a winner recently as you need to justify the initial purchase but can pour cash into the renovation and sell for clean money to fund the next one. Laundromats and bars have long been popular to clean you own money. Crypto gambling could work (although obviously very poorly in 2022). Simple enough to have offshore accounts too. Blind trusts with lawyers or accountants as the trustee can work. A million different avenues to isolate you from the money. If you have enough, government doesn't even care about you, they would rather pick on Joe taxpayer as he doesn't have the money to fight back.

Alternatively, just enjoy your money. Vacations to affordable destinations (like florida or cuba) and then drop a fortune on adventures while there (don't take any pictures or leave a trail, you were relaxing on the beach if anyone asks).
You know a little too much on this topic...tell me more...
and we talked about lots because dinner was for family talks , never in front of a TV
This was how I grew up (and my kids). I think it's importance is greatly under estimated.
This was how I grew up (and my kids). I think it's importance is greatly under estimated.

Everyone is different. I grew up the same way. I still did B&E's and stole cars. I was arrested and spent a whole four days in custody. First night in a holding cell, second day in detention in Hamilton, then the weekend in open custody at some house with locked doors. I was 15 years old and had never been in trouble with the law before. You can say that it scared me 90% straight.
But, the real reason I didn't keep going with that lifestyle was my family and friends. My family didn't abandon me, and I still had a loving home to come back to when I got bail. My friends were a mixed pot, three of four were in the same situation as me, while one's parents had enough of him and left him in custody until trial. Honestly, had my friends kept going with that type of crime, I probably would have as well. Family only does so much, but friends influence way more. My belief was always that parents raise kids until they're around 10-12 and then their friends take over. I always hoped that in the first 10-12 years, I would instill enough good values that they would make good choices when their friends suggested something bad.

My partner actually works in a youth facility and what she sees are lots and lots of kids with mental health issues and their parents with mental health issues.

It's such a complicated issue, that from what I know, the vast majority of it leads back to socioeconomic and mental health issues. Seeing people type up that it's parents fault is such a basic thing to say. Sure, it's the parents fault. It's their fault that they were abused as kids, molested or beaten, or whatever. Then you add in that they couldn't afford, or get the support they needed to be able to deal with that trauma. So then they start self medicating. Now you have an addict that can barely take care of themselves, and then you throw a kid in there. Now that kid probably has issues from the mother taking drugs while pregnant, and you know they don't live in white suburbia. So that kid grows up with issues too, and goes to school with lots of other kids with issues. And know one can really talk about the trauma and mental/physical health issues they face, because that would show weakness, and they sure as hell can't show weakness in that environment. So they turn to gangs for protection, because everyone knows that there's safety in numbers.

And the ******* cycle keeps going. And keyboard warriors sit there and type that it's all the parents fault. Yeah, I guess their right. It's all the parents fault. Whatever. I sure as hell don't have the answers either.
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