Has anyone seen ToSlow?

My feeling is any community needs to constantly look for engagement to keep more than a hardcore group engaged. I used to belong to a few meetup groups, one in particular had an active leader who arranged a variety of great afternoon, day, weekend and even multiday trips. They catered to new and experienced riders - come one, come all. On several occasions, guys with wrenching experience helped other with their bike troubles.

Some were well off riding shiny new bikes, others needed to carry wire, quickstart and duct tape in the panniers of their 20 year old S40s. Everybody had fun - the common interest was getting out for a ride, the glue was the leader.

When the leader passed away a couple of years ago, the group dies with him. I kinda miss that.

Ive been on a few rides with GTAM members, but not many. I'd enjoy more of those -- there are lots of us who post great solo rides, maybe next a thread with a ride calendar would attract a few more into the community.
Sometimes a venue gets too popular and can no longer be run like a backyard BBQ. Committees are formed and cliques develop, finances change etc. Suddenly informality is replaced with fiscal responsibility.

If a weasel or control freak makes it too far up the ladder rungs get burned. The anonymity of the net sees that the thin skinned drop off first.

IMO GTAM mods keep the place reasonably civil. Stay away from post rage and you'll be OK. If a post offends you type a reply and save it. Re-read it the next day and think about whether you want to hit send or delete.
When I was away from the forum when I wasn't riding I did see an email every so often that would tell me "here is what you missed while you were away". I can't say how often that was as I didn't really pay attention to it much, but I do recall it.

I've never got one, and at some points I have taken 4-5 weeks off.

A newsletter experiment would be interesting. I know it's built into most forum software and I can't immagine it's any different with Xen.

And welcome back ToSlow. :)
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