Has anyone seen ToSlow?

I think he just got fed up and felt he was being attacked personally.
This happens all to often..

I think I'll listen @Lightcycle to some degree and shy away from the overly volatile and/or political threads and posts.
This happens all to often..

I think I'll listen @Lightcycle to some degree and shy away from the overly volatile and/or political threads and posts.

This used to be me:


Sometimes I catch myself still doing this, but I'm trying to walk away from the computer more often when someone looks like they're digging their heels in. We're all getting older and part of being an old fart is being inflexible in your way of thinking. Also, not many people change their minds by reading someone else's posts on the Internet. Especially when that person is calling you an idiot.

It's an absolute waste of time saying the same thing over and over again in multiple posts just so you can have the last word.

You wanna win the Internet argument? Go ahead, I'm going for a ride.
I don’t know for some, but for me the last couple yrs have played havoc on my mental health. I needed to learn to step back and take a breath

Yes, being cooped up with little face-to-face interaction has totally made me loopy, irritable and has eroded what little social skills I possessed before the pandemic.

2022 has been an amazing year for us, being able to do most of the things that made me happy and content before all this shiite. I wish the same for you and everyone else on here.
He reached out to me a while ago asking whether he was banned or not, and I couldn't find an example of it or what could've caused it at the time.

I think he just got fed up and felt he was being attacked personally. Not sure. We only emailed a few times briefly, and I met him in person when he picked up the usb/lighter charger that I picked up for a few members late last year. Nice guy and we had some laughs during a brief chat.
I though @Maniac & @ToSlow had some playful interactions.
Yes, being cooped up with little face-to-face interaction has totally made me loopy, irritable and has eroded what little social skills I possessed before the pandemic.

2022 has been an amazing year for us, being able to do most of the things that made me happy and content before all this shiite. I wish the same for you and everyone else on here.
Where's that bomb you dropped in the wrong thread about Toronto & Vancouver population rates?
I tend to wait a few days before posting back. Then sometimes it's no longer worth it.
Where's that bomb you dropped in the wrong thread about Toronto & Vancouver population rates?

Yeah it's true that we do more riding out here than TO, but the kind of riding that really makes me happy is international travel. The local scenery does get kind of monotonous after a while.

2022 was the first time we were able to cross the border and the ocean, and we did that big-time.
I have met a few GTAMers over the last couple of years. Everyone I met has been extremely kind to me. Some folks have even helped me out with my motorcycle because I'm terrible at working with my hands/space constraints at the current place. I usually go through the threads but respond only if I have anything valuable to add.

Nothing inspires and drives up adoption and DAU more than good old ride reports with good photos.

I agree. The first thing I check is the Touring sub-section, then the rest. I try to contribute as much as I can but not much touring happened this season.
This happens all to often..

I think I'll listen @Lightcycle to some degree and shy away from the overly volatile and/or political threads and posts.
This is why I ignore those posts completely (for the most part.)

Not that I have ever been offended by anything anyone has ever said to me here (or online).

Glad we are getting our members back.
It's an absolute waste of time saying the same thing over and over again in multiple posts just so you can have the last word.
I agree, yet, I catch myself trying to be part of conversations that I know will only lead nowhere.
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