Has Anyone Else Seen This?????

Speaking of teaching pedestrians/kids about safety..whatever happened to Blinky the police car and Elmer the Safety Elephant.
Isn't that the job of their parents?

You mean the same parents who wander acroos parking lots outside stores and malls without looking. The same parents who wander down the middle of the road between lines of parked cars regardless of the cars driving behind them? The same parents who wander across busy downtown streets without looking just because the lights blinking a certain colour............................

The parents haven't a clue. The kids haven't a clue. The Government needs to up education and driving standards and change the laws regarding pedestrians rights of way. Then they need to start educating in schools so generations to come know how to cross the road. Their parents are already stuck in their arrogant "me first" attitude. Let Darwin sort them out.
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try driving along sheppard in between midland and kennedy,these are the same idiots who are getting killed,walk across the street without looking or careing.
Speaking of teaching pedestrians/kids about safety..whatever happened to Blinky the police car and Elmer the Safety Elephant.

Yeah, I remember the Elmer stuff getting drilled into our heads in kindergarten. Maybe I was one of the few who learned something from it.
As cold and crude and '***-holey' it may sound: "A lot of those pedestrians-at-fault deaths are proofs of Darwin's theory"
Even if a car was moving at 1km/hr, it can still injure or kill a person.... cuz its a 2 ton metal box against bones and flesh...... these law maker and complainers never thought of common sense physics i bet.

I can virtually guarantee that if cars were travelling at 1kmh there would be less pedestrian fatalities. The common sense physics say so!
As cold and crude and '***-holey' it may sound: "A lot of those pedestrians-at-fault deaths are proofs of Darwin's theory"

And the police know that..that's why the drivers are hardly ever charged. The pedestrians are jay-walking and unfortunately get what's coming to them.
When will they realize that if NOBODY EVER DIED there would be so many more problems than there is now. Humanity if in a constant pursuit to prevent people from dieing, of anything, ever. Yet the biggest world issue by far is overpopulation as it is an exponent to any other problem.

It's especially frustrating when it's someone dieing of their own stupidity. Like the new 21 and under drinking and driving laws thanks to some dumb twat from Oakville driving his dads Audi into a lake. His dad blamed everyone but the dumb **** behind the wheel and now everyone suffers.

Let Natural Selection take it's course.
as long as they dont take down the 80 zones were fine...infact all residential should be 40 city 50 and rurals should go up to 90
highways 120

problem solved

all residentials are already 40. City is already 50 (unless posted 60).

this coroner is suggesting the speed be reduced further to make residential 30 and city streets 40

>double facepalm<

hopefully, the politicians will realize that would be political suicide to try and enact.
I was making a left today with an advance green, no left turn lane. I know many people go left at this intersection and the advance is too short, I'm third in line. We get our green, the two inconsiderate cars ahead of me are going straight and can't seem to find the gas too well so I'm thinking, "great, at least three cars behind me just an extra cycle of the lights on account of those bozos, perhaps I can help the situation." But alas, as I start my turn I see some mid-forties wench waddling into my path despite the Don't Walk signal and with no visible distractions, just oblivious. Where do you even start with people like that?

I believe education and awareness are more effective than speed limits. Not that I actually care about the bozos who get themselves hit, I just want them to be somebody else's problem.

People get struck while walking on the side of the road? They are on the wrong side of the road, they should be in the oncoming lane so they can see what's coming, eesh.
I'm reminded of the NY ban on sugary soft drinks of a certain size to curb obesity.... :lmao:

It's happened before here. The government banned supersized fast food meals in Ontario.

Reduce pedestrian deaths and injuries? Ban the usage of smartphones and listening devices while walking in public.
"The higher the rate of speed at which a pedestrian is struck, the greater the chance of death"

I don't know about city streets but I can totally imagine residential speed limits dropping to 30. Just seems plausible because of the image it conjures... children, old people and pets playing in the neighbourhood, blissfully unaware of the motorist screaming toward them at 40 km/h!

A car travelling at 0 km/h can still kill if it happens to be on top of you. It's not a question of speed but force of mass. And yes, mass does increase with speed but a car at rest still has more than enough force to kill given the right circumstances (for the physicists out there, I'm making gravity a given here).

With respect to the argument that higher speeds result in reduced reaction time, etc... it's true and the inability to handle such a scenario is called driver error. Driver error exists at any speed. Speed itself does not kill or we'd all be dead from light exposure.
Everything in this thread +10000000000000000000
mass increases with speed? you mean momentum?

“The data is irrefutable. The higher the rate of speed at which a pedestrian is struck, the greater the chance of death,”

That is perhaps the dumbest quote ever. Really Einstein? That's like the quote from Dogbert: "My statistical analysis shows that approximately 50% of the results are ABOVE the median, while 50% of the results are BELOW the median"

Maybe make it illegal to text/talk while crossing the street lol. but yet another reason to always have a dashboard cam for the driver.

No matter how much lower the speed limit gets there will still be ppl get hit and die cuz alot of them just donnnttt LOOK before they cross the street!

UK anti-speeding campagne explaining the difference in impact outcomes of various speeds. Looks like the coroner is saying the same thing.

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