
Re: Handles....

Damaged Goods here...I went down on my front lawn and broke a mirror and cracked some body work.Grass is like ice sometimes DAM it! But,got out the JB Weld and fixed her like new...but she still is.....Damaged Goods :happy3:

Re: Handles....

my bike and my name are the same - gray. Plus, my nasally-impaired boss, on finding out I'm back on a bike said "you're crazy!", but the c sounded like a g. So, it was crazy grayz, or just grayz for short :)
Re: Handles....

mine comes from a longer handle i used to use 'synetic' which I just came up with one day after being frustrated any other names that 'meant' something to me were taken (too popular I guess). I didn't feel like adding random numbers behind them either :P It got shortened along the way, and I don't seemto have trouble registering it on forums, so there...
Nothing deep or meaningful :happy3:, but single sylables are always easy to remember ;)
Re: Handles....

Well, pretty obvious I suppose... Got my first bike back in 2000, a 2000 Kawasaki ZX-6R (which I still have and ride).

I've always been into web design, websites, computers etc. I decided to purchase the domain name, and I created a site about the 2000 ZX-6R model, but never really finished it.

ZX-6R.com is the domain name, my bike model, and my screen name all in one...
Re: Handles....

Tinny has been with me for awhile now. I used to play video game that required a name and as I used to be a "Big Chunky" guy, I figured I'd go opposite and call myself Tiny, however it was taken so I went to Tinny.

Been my name for about 5-6years now.
Re: Handles....

Shortened form of my last name :)
Re: Handles....

When I joined I needed a bike, now I have one but my name stuck
Re: Handles....

Mine's a typo of my name (Heather).

Courtesy of a (drunk?) guy talking to me on msn. It was a pretty epic typo and I liked it, so I kept it as a username. :D
Re: Handles....

Mine handle is based on who I am.

I'm a minister at a church and to everyone I am Rev. Randy... just seemed like a good fit :)
Re: Handles....

Well, in high school i used to play a first-person shooter game called Counter-strike.

I was also a very lazy person...i also had an Afro... yes, i'm white, yes i had a fro! B)

this name was given to me as my handle for that game... i use it everywhere! there is no other lazyfro!
Re: Handles....

Im dyslexic
Re: Handles....

Mine handle is based on who I am.

I'm a minister at a church and to everyone I am Rev. Randy... just seemed like a good fit :)

rev rant = reverend could have a decent handle for you as well.
Re: Handles....

i can relate to this character in the chuck palahniuk book and movie fight club. The 119 comes from a party when some drunk girl was like 'someone call 119', lol. Its my handle on pretty much everything, that or 'ze germans'.
Re: Handles....

i can relate to this character in the chuck palahniuk book and movie fight club. The 119 comes from a party when some drunk girl was like 'someone call 119', lol. Its my handle on pretty much everything, that or 'ze germans'.
"No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?"
Re: Handles....

First name + something from the last. Now that you know, let's have a beer.
Re: Handles....

Some guys at work photocopied a picture of Richard Reid (the shoe bomber) and drew sunglasses and a beard on it and proclaimed that it looks like me.

Where I work, you either go with something or if you let them know it bothers you, they just rub it in more. Now even the bosses and customers call me Shoe.
Re: Handles....

Do a google search of the word Demonaz and you'll figure out pretty quickly what my name means.

An yes it's kind of lame:)
Re: Handles....

Ninja, Because I obviously love the Kawasaki Ninja's and well, Trying to think of something feminine, so alot of people referrer me to a cat, so I put kat? lol
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