GTAM charity boxing/MMA event

Can my old neighbour fight in my place? (If this took place about 10-15 years ago lol)

Can my old neighbour fight in my place? (If this took place about 10-15 years ago lol)


i remember him.. garry goodrich... i believe he worked at the Honda plant in Alliston.

pretty sure he got fired from there as well, for doing bad things.
Expensive liquor and wine make no sense to me. After a few glasses, it all tastes the same. But I don't like watery american beer.
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I like the taste and its not Jose Cuervo for Christs sake although Louis XIII is the best fer shur
Well, as long as you hate Cuervo. Try Tromba or Cazadores, if you haven't already!

Expensive liquor and wine make no sense to me. After a few glasses, it all tastes the same. But I don't like watery american beer.
I used to think the same thing but you develop a palate for it (ie it becomes relative as you try more and more). It's one of those "ignorance is bliss" sort of things. If anything, good wine/liquor tastes even more amazing once it hits you.
My means dictate the ignorance is bliss thing.
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