GTAM charity boxing/MMA event

I have one more....I think this came from Kesuke Miyagi or Miyagi son inthe Karate kid.....the only black belt that really maters is the one I use to hold up my pants.

some black belts are BS I don't respect karate tae kwon do or Kung fu for the most part. Brazilian Jiu jitsu black belts are legit and have to be earned not just by learning a pattern to move on. Here's some karate black belts for ya.

Having said that anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period
some black belts are BS I don't respect karate tae kwon do or Kung fu for the most part. Brazilian Jiu jitsu black belts are legit and have to be earned not just by learning a pattern to move on. Here's some karate black belts for ya.

Having said that anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period

Sonny, you find a video label"Bargon basement black belt" and you group several forms and say you do not respect them for the most part. I agree there are many people that start up a studio or a so called Dojo and pack the people to make the money. This happens with all disaplines including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I have seen it with my own eyes.

I agree with your last statement with out question....anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period

All forms have thier merrit. Not all train to be killers but to be fit and to learn something while having fun. Some train so they can hurt others and some train to be a better person and to know that because they know they will never use what they I said before....origami is a hobbie and a lifestyle for me.

Paul, I can make a mean dragon using a sheet of real origami

Just my humble opinion.
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Sonny, you find a video label"Bargon basement black belt" and you group several forms and say you do not respect them for the most part. I agree there are many people that start up a studio or a so called Dojo and pack the people to make the money. This happens with all disaplines including Bazilaian Jiu Jitsu, I have seen it with my own eyes.

I agree with your last statement with out question....anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period

All forms have thier merrit. Not all train to be killers but to be fit and to learn something while having fun. Some train so they can hurt others and some train to be a better person and to know that because they know they will never use what they I said before....origami is a and a lifestyle for me.

Paul, I can make a mean dragon using a sheet of real origami

Just my humble opinion.

Agreed with the exception you would be hard pressed to find a BJJ black belt who was given one without earning it...not the same in other disciplines. Because training BJJ is as real as you can get within training most people drop out fast who Can't handle the pressure or claustrophobia. Muay Thai I love as well, you can't eat shin kicks and fake it
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This is getting serious.:icescream:
I'm in.... I wanna fight any and all Mods, Admin's and any other power hungry sonofabitch

Sonny, you find a video label"Bargon basement black belt" and you group several forms and say you do not respect them for the most part. I agree there are many people that start up a studio or a so called Dojo and pack the people to make the money. This happens with all disaplines including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I have seen it with my own eyes.

I agree with your last statement with out question....anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period

All forms have thier merrit. Not all train to be killers but to be fit and to learn something while having fun. Some train so they can hurt others and some train to be a better person and to know that because they know they will never use what they I said before....origami is a hobbie and a lifestyle for me.

Paul, I can make a mean dragon using a sheet of real origami

Just my humble opinion.

I wouldn't fight you no matter what, i saw your last fight. :lmao: Video below.


On a side not if you could win a fight simply by being arrogant sonny would be the world champion ;)
I'll take any of you on of any discipline.

Trained by the best... Master Indi taught me everything I know!

I wouldn't fight you no matter what, i saw your last fight. :lmao: Video below.


On a side not if you could win a fight simply by being arrogant sonny would be the world champion ;)

ypu know I'm the sexiest
That looks like what my gf does at Zumba class lol.

Don't insult Zumba!!! I didn't know this guy branched out into martial arts..

By the way, there is a difference between a McDojo and a proper martial arts school. The ICTF Taekwondo school I went to required (and offered for free) additional fitness training just so you can keep up with the classes. These clowns wouldn't have got yellow belts for what they showed on that vid.
some black belts are BS I don't respect karate tae kwon do or Kung fu for the most part. Brazilian Jiu jitsu black belts are legit and have to be earned not just by learning a pattern to move on. Here's some karate black belts for ya.

Having said that anyone can kick anyone's *** at any given moment regardless of training,belts or size period

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