GTAM BBM Group |



For all you blackberry users. drop your pin here. A group dedicated to gtam riders. We had one last season and it was great for meeting up with people last minute and good for chats and sharing pics.

So if you want an invite. leave your pin!
Sharing pics? Uh huh.

And yet you all opened the thread anyways :D
last thing I want is 100 messages a day from random people on my blackberry nothxbye
There was 5 now there's 3, it died down a bit cause I guess there just wasn't enough interest but I've actually made a really good new friend through the group so I for one can't complaint.

As for no one leaving the pin...well Rich did and I think and some people started to prank him or something so he removed it so after that it was all pm based so if anyone is still interested just pm your pin and I'll add you on.

Now accepting picture applications. ;) :toothy1:
What are the demographics of some of the riders in the group? I really don't care to meet up with 50yr old riders who like waking up early on sundays and ride their cruisers around. And get mad at me for doing power wheelies every so often.
If there actually is a group I'll join, but this might make more sense to post up come spring/summer when people are riding. Its still winter and GTAMers like to flame more than ride in the summer as is...

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