GTA CRUISERS (Sunday Noon Rides) | Page 3 |

GTA CRUISERS (Sunday Noon Rides)

Ride still on for tommorow?
Hey folks. I still plan to do the route, I hope folks show up at the starting point. I'll be there by 12 noon - black Suzuki M50. We can depart by 12:30. It's a nice run, and could take up to 3 hours as previously mentioned. I hope to see some of you out there :). Otherwise, there's next time.
planning to be there
I'll try to be there too....I'm at East York (Eglinton and Don Mills)....I have to be at a funeral at 10am hopefully I can get to the meeting point by noon...if I can't ill post here.
Great ride guys, ill be in for the next.
Sorry I had to bail early guys .But family was coming by from out of town .I was lucky to get out for 2 hours .
Sorry I had to bail early guys .But family was coming by from out of town .I was lucky to get out for 2 hours .

No worries man you had one awesome bike!! Family comes first ;) missed all the snaky roads and fun part though...
Thanks to everyone for coming out. I hope I didn't do a bad job in the lead... There was that one moment before we turned onto Forks road... My helmet just decided to randomly start playing music by the Bangles. In trying to turn it off, I missed the sign for the turn. Sorry!

For anyone who's interested, here's a link to the route we ended up taking.

I won't be here next weekend - I'm doin' a ride up to Manitoulin on Thursday with TimmyP, with plans to be back Sunday. If anyone else is headin' there, let me know!
Looks good. We'll most likely be in for the next one.
Hey Guys,

Sounds like you had a blast! ... Sorry i couldnt make it out yesterday. But i will definitly be there next sunday...
Was Mississauga Rd. still closed off at Old Base Line when your group headed through there yesterday? It was earlier in the day when I was up that way and I noticed your route headed west, then north, the back east again to get into Belfountain so I'm guessing it was still a no-fly-zone??
hey Scott, thanks for putting together that ride
guess, the rest of the world was out there too, hence the traffic
all in all, it was a good ride and great company
lets do an escarpment ride the next time ... any ideas?
BTW: I snuck back on the original M90 exhaust system ....
Re: GTA CMississauga Rd. still closed off at Old Base Line

yep .. we had to do the detour
Re: GTA CMississauga Rd. still closed off at Old Base Line

looks like u guys had a amazing day yesterday i wish i could be there...i hope to meet and see u guys next sunday.....
Thanks to everyone for coming out. I hope I didn't do a bad job in the lead... There was that one moment before we turned onto Forks road... My helmet just decided to randomly start playing music by the Bangles. In trying to turn it off, I missed the sign for the turn. Sorry!

For anyone who's interested, here's a link to the route we ended up taking.

I won't be here next weekend - I'm doin' a ride up to Manitoulin on Thursday with TimmyP, with plans to be back Sunday. If anyone else is headin' there, let me know!

You did great job .It takes a bit of work to get a good ride done .Making changes on the fly is a hard job .Well done .The short time I was along .Was time well spent .Everyone rode like we were riding together before .
Hey Guys,

So Far Sunday is looking amazing for weather! We are going to meet at the same spot as last week, if anyone has any questions, please let me know.

See you on Sunday!

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