GST/HST Holiday

You need to be working and income under 150k to get a cheque. I don't get a t4 so I suspect I don't qualify.
Maybe I'm not getting this bribe.
Usually when ever the government is handing out extra dole the Squeeze and I included even though I feel we're doing OK and don't need it.
( the government never considers net worth as a factor??? )
( the government never considers net worth as a factor??? )
While net worth is probably a decent metric to assess need, afaik the government has no idea what it is for most citizens. It's also grey and complicated. If a company is owned by a family trust and all members of the family are trustees, how does the value of that company get apportioned between family members?
this is like laundry day when you clean out your pants pockets and find a $20. Holy crap ! I'm up $20 bucks . Oh wait, its just my money ......
when you change out the closet for winter jackets. Boom $50, winning!
While net worth is probably a decent metric to assess need, afaik the government has no idea what it is for most citizens. It's also grey and complicated. If a company is owned by a family trust and all members of the family are trustees, how does the value of that company get apportioned between family members?
The net worth factor is terrifying. I have net worth because I worked and lived modestly (Except for the occasional toy).

But the money I have sent, and continue to send from my RRIFs, goes to Ottawa to be passed onto to the slackers so they can buy more chips and beer.

Oh yeah, but I'm lucky. No one noticed that the harder and smarter I worked the luckier I got.

Hindsight hangover:

Ten or so years ago a woman my wife worked with came in one morning and stated that they had sold their townhouse and were going to rent. Now they had $60,000 to put aside for retirement. They live among us.
So how does this impact the price of my $23 bottle of Italian wine at the LCBO?
Question mark. I was initially thinking things would get coded PST only but apparently it's more complicated than that and it may have to be no tax as provincial law is HST for those items. In that case, provinces want Ottawa to pay the lost PST (which will more than double the proposed cost of the program). Ottawa doesn't have a bleeping clue on how to implement this. It's just such a poorly thought through turd of a program. Everytime you think he can't get dumber, he comes out with a new idea on how to increase bureaucracy and decrease productivity all while burning billions.

They are monkeys throwing poo to try to dodge the filibuster/criminal charges. I suspect they will use this to argue filibuster is hurting canadians and the second they get a chance to lead in parliament (supported by Indian Lewinsky) they will prorogue and scurry back to their rat holes until after the scheduled election next fall. Pensions secured. Job well done.
Live target on the sniper range FTW.......and we have the best snipers in the world, too.
I wouldn't want to see anyone killed but don't want our butcher of spending free to assault anyone else.

What happens to him if he gets turfed from the PM gig.

Could his ego let him sit as a back bencher?
I wouldn't want to see anyone killed but don't want our butcher of spending free to assault anyone else.

What happens to him if he gets turfed from the PM gig.

Could his ego let him sit as a back bencher?
He is definitely angling for a job where we pay him forever. My guess is he wants Tom Clarks New York apartment. Hopefully we can declare him an enemy of the state so he can never legally be hired/paid by us again.
Justin proving that he's in touch with the common Canadians. No tax on xmas trees for a week and a half before Christmas until mid Feb.
He is definitely angling for a job where we pay him forever. My guess is he wants Tom Clarks New York apartment. Hopefully we can declare him an enemy of the state so he can never legally be hired/paid by us again.
Why doesn't he spend his $45M inheritance? Oh wait. That would be HIS money.
I don’t want the best snipers , I want the ones that would miss lots of shots and maybe put several in the legs first .

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I expect the liberal playbook over the coming months... I am not sure Poilievre gets all of it.

Attempt to stay in power until the inevitable dumpster fire just south of us.
Blame the CPC and Poilievre for this bill not getting passed (filibuster), look they took money out of your hands at Christmas.
Toss a bone here and there to the NDP and Block to get to at least mid 2025.
Likely prorogue parliament at some point to get more time, CPC has also done this in the past...more than once.
Then, use the pain south of the border (even if one thinks the new administration there is all awesome sauce, they will cause big pain and bad optics if they do just some of what they say). Use the US to say look, Poilievre is Trump lite, Poilievre therefore bad in the election.
Good chance inflation and interest rates will look better.
Axe the Tax will lose steam as time goes on for many.
Pickoff a few CPC platform talking points like they did recently with immigration reduction, many areas where they were asleep at the wheel.
Mysteriously "leak" any non-liberal MPs named in the foreign interference report (if there are any).
Then add to this trying to time reproductive rights legislation and make it an election issue--the ace.

Sure the Sustainable Development Technology Canada fiasco is important but it is one of those political items that plays well to some but is a shoulder shrug to others. Shocking political corruptions, shocking... pigs at the trough, shocking... They all do it.

My worry is Poilievre and the CPC are actually playing into his hands. He needs to actually work with the NDP and Block to get a successful non-confidence vote sooner (now) rather than later (and already should have) as time in this case may benefit JT. He needs to get the security clearance to look at that list (my fear here is he is not applying as he thinks it might be denied?? otherwise why not??). An election today is a strong CPC majority, one mid to late next year is an unkown, why risk it, get it done, take the all but for sure win?
I expect the liberal playbook over the coming months... I am not sure Poilievre gets all of it.

Attempt to stay in power until the inevitable dumpster fire just south of us.
Blame the CPC and Poilievre for this bill not getting passed (filibuster), look they took money out of your hands at Christmas.
Toss a bone here and there to the NDP and Block to get to at least mid 2025.
Likely prorogue parliament at some point to get more time, CPC has also done this in the past...more than once.
Then, use the pain south of the border (even if one thinks the new administration there is all awesome sauce, they will cause big pain and bad optics if they do just some of what they say). Use the US to say look, Poilievre is Trump lite, Poilievre therefore bad in the election.
Good chance inflation and interest rates will look better.
Axe the Tax will lose steam as time goes on for many.
Pickoff a few CPC platform talking points like they did recently with immigration reduction, many areas where they were asleep at the wheel.
Mysteriously "leak" any non-liberal MPs named in the foreign interference report (if there are any).
Then add to this trying to time reproductive rights legislation and make it an election issue--the ace.

Sure the Sustainable Development Technology Canada fiasco is important but it is one of those political items that plays well to some but is a shoulder shrug to others. Shocking political corruptions, shocking... pigs at the trough, shocking... They all do it.

My worry is Poilievre and the CPC are actually playing into his hands. He needs to actually work with the NDP and Block to get a successful non-confidence vote sooner (now) rather than later (and already should have) as time in this case may benefit JT. He needs to get the security clearance to look at that list (my fear here is he is not applying as he thinks it might be denied?? otherwise why not??). An election today is a strong CPC majority, one mid to late next year is an unkown, why risk it, get it done, take the all but for sure win?
I don't think enough people are paying attention anymore for all of that to happen. They had a listener-call-in show today regarding the $250 cheques on CBC radio and every caller despised Trudeau. People aren't listening anymore they just want him gone. CBC radio should be prime safe-space for the Liberals.
More liberal babbling. The witch says this is to tackle the "vibecession". When you are throwing poo, you may as well label it with made up words. Damn people kind.

Once he has the clearance and reads it he can discuss NONE of it in public. He then looses the chance to grind the libs on it.
He also can't confront his own MPs about it, because they don't have the clearance. So technically he'd have to boot them from caucus for other reasons, or not renew their candidate status in the next election, etc.
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